Injury where it hurts the most

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(Klaus runs into her room, and Damon and Elijah follow. A gust of wind runs throughout the room and Damon goes to shut the window but sees a trail of blood on the windowsill, Damon looks out the window only to find human bleeding out his neck)

D-Uh...Guys...You might wanna come see this

(They walk over and see what Damon sees)

K-Emily's a vampire?


D-Who knows what else she had to have done! She is upset! She had to have killed at least..what? 5-10 people by now

H-I can track her

K-Please do

H-I found the woods....but..she's injured..badly...and really wants Damon. So, I insist that ONLY Damon goes

D-Are you sure?

E-Go Damon! Go

(Damon leaves and goes to Emily. Damon finds Emily bleeding out her stomach and groaning in pain)

D-*kneels down* Oh my god. Baby!

(Damon puts his hand over her bleeding stomach)


D-What happened?

Em-Stefan stabbed me with a wood s-s-s-stake

D-Why the hell aren't you healing?

(He picks her up bridal style and brings her to the hospital. Damon calls everyone except Stefan to the hospital)

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