questions and statements

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E-Is she ok?

C-She did just wake up..she was sleeping but I don't know what's wrong with her

Em-I'm fine

(Emily starts to fall asleep on her father's arm)

C-She's just tired

(Caroline takes Emily back)

C-I'm gonna take her to my house for a bit...if that's ok with you

E-Yes of course

C-Ok thank you

(Caroline plucks Emily and she wakes up)

Em-Ow!! You are so lucky I love you because your ass would have been done

C-Oh really?

Em-Yes Real-

C-*vamps out with Emily* 

(They get there and Emily walks up to Damon's room and lays on his bed and calls him. He picks up)

Em-*says sleepy-Hi baby*

D-You're sleepy

Em-* nods yes* and In your room. I miss you

D-I know...I'll be back before you know it. They are actually letting me out tonight


D-Go to sleep. You are tired

Em-Ok. I love you, Damon

D-I love you too

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