Arguments, Attempts, and Accidents pt.1

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 A-Oh he left...

(Emily runs out of the house and goes to her aunt Rebekah)

R-* opens the door* I're really pregnant and Damon is the father

Em-* looks at Rebekah with tears in her eyes* He left..he..*starts crying*

R-*hugs Emily* Hey...Hey...Hey...It's ok...I'm sure he will come back. He loves you so much...

E-I know...Dad..he..he's mad

R-He will get over himself. I'll talk to him

Em-Ok...Thank you

R-Of course. Do you want to come inside?


R-Please...I miss you

Em-I know...I love you Bexs

R-I love you more than anything Emily..please don't go

E-Who are you talking to?


Em-Shut up

R-I'm talking to Emily


K-Stop screaming Hope

R-I told you we missed you

Em-No! She's not talking to me! She's talking to her friend named Emily! Definitely not me!

H- *drags Emily into the house* Now you're in the house

E-*pulls Emily out of the house and closes the door*Why didn't you tell me?

Em-I..I...I didn't know how...Damon didn't even know.....Only Uncle Klaus, Bexs, and Hope know...I couldn't tell you...I was scared

E-You're not keeping it

Em-It's not your kid!!! It's mine!!

E-You are 15 years old! You're not having a kid

Em-Damn Dad you don't even know your own child's age? I'm 16! And yes,I am having a kid

E-God Emily. I regret saying that I accept you and Damon's relationship

Em-So now this is about me and Damon? What the hell? This is my decision! This is my child and my relationship! You are NOT taking my child nor my relationship

E-Oh you're full of it

(Emily walks off the patio and gets in her car and drives into a car on purpose)

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