Chapter 6

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"So, should I tell the others about my family history?"

"You mean with SHIELD? I don't think it's necessary–I mean if it comes up in conversation and you want to share that part of yourself, then of course it's fine." Steve seemed to mull something over for a moment before continuing. "I should tell you... Nat already knows, I'm sure."

"How is that?"

Steve sighed. "I fought her over it, but she insisted on running a background check on you. When I came to the compound the day after we first met and spent all those hours together–she could tell something was up. I was apparently grinning like crazy. So I told her about you."

"And she ran a check on me?" Ceci asked, to be sure she understood.

"I'm sorry, Ceci. But I promise I didn't look at anything or let her tell me anything. Other than the fact she insisted on telling me that from what she'd seen, I had her blessing. Not that I needed it."

"So, she was sure to have seen the information about my family being in SHIELD."

"I'm positive she did. Our records are directly connected to the SHIELD and Hydra files she leaked during the Project Insight fiasco. She would have seen that you were related to former agents. Clearly their work history and your own file was enough to satisfy her."

Ceci was quiet as she continued to drive, and Steve could tell she was deep in thought. He grew worried that this was going to seem like a breech of trust and scare her away. "Are you upset?"

"Hmm?" she said, pulled out of her own thoughts. "Oh, no–not upset." She reached over and took his hand in hers. "I promise, I'm not. Was just thinking."


She smiled. "About what all is involved in dating Captain America."

"I'd understand if you felt like it was all too much. It's not too late to back out of staying over. You can just drop me off and head home."

Ceci frowned, gently squeezing his hand. "You think I'm giving up that easy, Steve? I'm a Quin, and Quin's don't give up."


When Ceci and Steve pulled up at the compound, Natasha was waiting out front for them.

"You're staying!" The assassin practically squealed as she saw Ceci grab a bag out of the backseat. It wasn't in her hand long, though, because–ever the gentleman–Steve insisted on carrying it for her.

"Yes. At least overnight. But I don't want to be in the way," Ceci chuckled as the other woman pulled her into a hug.

"I can't believe he actually got the nerve up to ask you to stay over," Nat whispered in her ear. "He really likes you."

"You know, I can hear you," Steve grumbled.

"I know you can," Nat grinned like a cheshire cat as she pulled back away from hugging Ceci. "And I don't care."

"Ceci will be using one of the spare rooms."

"Well, that's a little disappointing, but I won't argue." She turned and smiled again at the artist. "Welcome to our humble abode," Nat said as she waved around her hands.

Ceci laughed. "I don't know about being humble. This place is huge."

Steve smirked. "Well, it was designed by Tony Stark. Ostentatious is pretty much his middle name."

"Tony Ostentatious Stark. That's a mouthful," Ceci said with a chuckle. The other two laughed along with her.

"You two made it right in time. Scott says dinner is just about done. We'll catch you up on what we've put together so far," Nat said as she held the door open for them.

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