Chapter One

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Harry's P.O.V.

It's been 2 years. After all the pain, suffering, and fighting it was finally all over. I chuckled bitterly to myself as I stared into the burning fireplace at Grimmauld Place. Sure the threat of Tom Riddle was and the Wizarding World was finally starting to become equal. That didn't mean that my pain and suffering was over. 

Flashback                                                                                                                                                                                   As I made my way back to them to tell them that there was only one left. One more Horcrux and it would be the end of Tom. He would become mortal. As I reach our meetup location I stagger at the sight before me, that being Hermione kissing Ron with passion. I take a second to swallow the emotion of hurt that I was feeling, but I couldn't blame either of them. We don't get to choose who we love. Unfortunately, the witch I loved was currently wrapped up in the arms and lips of my best friend. I knew in that moment that I needed to go and end this thing now before it was too late. I hurry off choosing to leave them be. I don't think I could handle the looks on their faces as they try to explain what was going on. I make my way to the ground floor where I spot Neville. I knew he was someone that I could trust with handling Nagini he had matured a lot when we formed the DA he was one of my best students and someone who could be trusted. "Neville!" I shout as I make my way over to him. He smiles grimly at me. We both know that today is the determining factor of which side was going to win. "Neville, there's one left. One bloody horcrux left then it's just him. Do you think you can handle Nagini for me?"  He looks at me nervously before his face changes and becomes certain. "Yes Harry I believe I can. What do I need?" I held out my hand as I yelled "Accio Sword of Gryffindor!" The Sword makes it way to my hand and I present it Neville. "Do Godric and your parents proud Neville."  I put my hand on his shoulder needing to say goodbye to at least somebody Nagini wasn't the true last horcrux, I was. "Neville the moment you kill that terrible beast I am going directly for Tommy boy since he will be mortal." Neville nodded in understanding. I turned away and began walking towards one of the secret paths . I look back to Neville and say as I continue to move away "It was a pleasure knowing you Neville, til the next great adventure." Just as I was turning back  I saw the look of realization on Neville's face but ignore it as I go to take on the creature that has made my life a living hell for 17 long years.

 As I made my way through the tunnel I knew what would be waiting for me. An angry Voldemort looking to end it all and have his victory. The tunnel leads me to the doors just as I knew it would. I slip on my cloak of invisibility as I make my way to encounter Voldemort. Not long after I spot him in a clearing currently giving orders to both Bellatrix and Lucious. As Voldemort finishes his orders and his two highest ranking officers leave him. I take this as my opportunity to make myself known. I take off the cloak revealing myself "Hello Tommy" I taunt in a sing song voice hoping to mess with him a little if I was going to go out I'd go out a Marauder. Voldemort continuously spun around the clearing as I continued to call him by his different names. "Come out and fight me Potter!" He spat his voice laced with venom. "Already Tommy? Come on I thought you'd want to play for a little bit?" I tease lacing all the sarcasm I can into my voice. "Oh no I will be playing Potter, I'll be playing with the little mudblood who doesn't love you back. Oh you didn't think I knew about that one did you Potter? Poor little Harry Potter couldn't find happiness like his mummy and daddy. No need to worry though Potter you'll be meeting the same demise as them."  His words pierced through me as they were true and I should have known that Voldemort would have detected my feelings for Hermione through our mental link. My anger grew from everything that had occurred starting with this sick bastard killing my parents and all the way to the pain that the love of my life would not return my love, and everything else that happened in between. Choosing to be done with it all I fully enter the clearing giving Tommy Boy a full shot. "Do it then Tom end me I don't care anymore you win!" I say dejectedly while it was true that I was trying to trick him into destroying the last horcrux. The horcrux he did not know he had created but his words were honest I had not found happiness like my parents did. 

Voldemort cackled evilly before spitting out the deadly words with his wand pointed in my direction "Avada Kedavra!" The green light jetted out of his wand coming straight towards me and instead of fighting I let it hit me wanting to leave this world. He was mortal now and with only a fraction of his soul left in him extremely weak. The staff of Hogwarts would be able to finish him off. As I embraced what I thought was death I instead found myself back at Kings Cross Station the Express looking as if it is getting ready to leave . I make my over to a bench choosing to sit and possibly rest. As I take my seat though I hear a voice right next to me. "Harry Potter, you are here much too soon." I jump as the voice caught me by surprise, as I look over to my side I see someone that I had only seen in books. "Godric Gryffindor?" he nods a small smile appearing on his face. "That's correct Harry. While I am happy to meet you it saddens me that you are here much too soon, but perhaps I can convince you to come back at a later time." I was confused by the words of the founder of my House and I guess my face demonstrated that. "Harry you have a choice to make. As you know you have died, but before it was your time." "But I needed to destroy Voldemort's last Horcrux." Godric nodded before continuing " Yes Mr. Potter that is true but you were meant to die with the desire to return to finish the battle against Salazar's heir." I hang my head low knowing the reason that I didn't want to return. "Harry I know the pains of heartbreak and I know the circumstance that you are going through is not easy. However, this is not how you were supposed to go out, while I cannot reveal anything more about your future I ask that you consider returning. 

That is the choice Harry, you are here early but you have the option to board that train and go onto the next great adventure. Or you could return and face the rest of your life, you have fought to have a life for 7 years Harry you should enjoy the fruits of your labor. Believe me that Voldemort isn't the end all and be all for your life. There are more opportunities for you to thrive in."  I pondered hard about what Godric was saying I could potentially be with Mom, Dad, and Sirius again. 'What about Hermione!' my mind yelled at me. I began to think about the other option. While I knew that the Hogwarts Staff  would be more than capable to take on an especially weak Voldemort there were still the other Deatheaters. What if the prophecy was so precise that I indeed needed to be the one to deliver the final blow? While I wanted a future my true reason for wanting to end Voldemort was so that Hermione could have a future free of the Prejudice and Corruption of Blood Status. I took a deep breath knowing that it would hurt to see Hermione and Ron's relationship grow but I needed to what was right not what was easy. 

I know another new story XD This idea appeared in my mind and I couldn't help myself. Don't worry I will still be working on I Love You Hermione & It Started With A Dance hopefully all three of these stories will have a new chapter by the end of the week!

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