Chapter Nine

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Harry's P.O.V.

After speaking to Mrs. Granger I make my way to the sink to wash off before beginning my day. I busy myself cleaning and talking and catching up with the regular customers that tended to visit daily. Mr. and Mrs. Granger continued to help me throughout the day the store being busy right up until noon. I was wiping down tables when the bell atop the door rang notifying that someone had entered the shop. Not hearing a greeting from the Grangers I state. "Welcome in I'll take your order in just a second." not looking up as I finished off the table. I make my way to the counter finally looking up to be met with her gaze. "Welcome to The Untold, Mrs. Weasley what will you be having today." Her response was quick. "I'll have tea  along with a conversation with you Mr. Potter." She stated matching my tone on how I stated her name. " I'll get your order to you soon Mrs. Weasley please take a seat anywhere you'd like." I made my way over to make her tea remembering the last time I prepared tea for  her it didn't go well. Like it was  the back of my hand I made the tea the exact same way as I had done so in the past. I walked over to Mr. and Mrs. Granger "Would you two please keep an eye on the shop while I handle this um situation." I asked nervously I wasn't exactly sure how to categorize this, I was about to have what I was sure was going to be a very uncomfortable conversation with their daughter. "Not a problem Harry, you need to handle this it's important." I gave them each a nervous smile took a deep  breathe and decided it was time to face the music.

 I made my way over to Hermione sitting by a window looking out into the beautiful town of Godric's Hollow. Funnily enough anytime I had was day dreaming and fantasizing of the day Hermione being here with me it was at this exact booth looking out that window. I clear my throat to let her know that I had arrived. She turns towards me and I set down the tea on the table. "Your tea." I said as I made my way into the booth sliding down. Choosing to be the first one to get it over with and break the ice I spoke. "What is it that you wish to discuss Mrs. Weasley. I am aware of the  claim you made earlier that  everyone back home 'misses me' and I stand by my statement I made I highly doubt that to be true for if someone chose to reach out they would have found me in an instant I was not hiding." I knew I had beat her  to the  punch on what she was initially going to say. She sat there for a minute occasionally  taking a sip from her tea trying to figure out what exactly it was that she was going to say. While she was thinking of  what to say I was silently trying to figure out what she was going to say, but I can say with certainty I wasn't expecting what she did say rather what she asked. "Why did you leave Harry?" The question floored me I thought it was pretty obvious as to why I left I was rejected there. I wanted to get angry but I looked at her and I could see that by the look on her face she truly did not know  why I had left three years ago. I took in a deep breath and began to once more speak from the heart.

 "Hermione I had to leave,  I knew well that I was running away from my problems but I can honestly say there was nothing left for me back where I was. And again taking us back to the conversation we had three years ago.  I did not have you and Ron anymore you were and have created your own life away from me and I can't blame either of you for that I would have done the same with you had you chosen me, but that's not how things worked out." I was choosing to be blunt and honest  if she wanted to know my reasons I would tell her exactly how I felt and why I made the choices that I made. Before she could continue the conversation I decided to  add more. "Hermione I am happy that  you are Ron were able to take that step truly I am but I just couldn't be apart of your lives anymore not when you were going to make that choice it would have killed me from the inside. I'll be honest I probably would have tried to find the most bogus excuse as to why I wouldn't be able to attend the wedding, and then the excuses would have continued moving forward from that point. I wouldn't have been able to face seeing the two of you together in that light. Even to this day I think about it every day and it saddens  me to some degree. Some days are easier than others but not a day goes by that I don't think about."

 I took a pause remembering the photo I drew long ago my dream that would never come true. Even now the thought of Hermione having Ron's kids killed me to no end inside. I was taken out by my thoughts when Hermione spoke up. "Where you don't think about this?" To my surprise she had the exact drawing I was thinking about in that moment. "How'd you get that?" As if she knew exactly what I was going to ask she gave a quick response. "When you disapparated that day three years ago I thought you had gone to your room. When I went in I saw the illusioned photo but I could feel there was something hidden so I disillusioned it and was shocked to find this." There was an uncomfortable silence in the air and I felt myself being transported to three years ago when we sat in a very similar situation except this time the silence was broken much quicker. "Is this something you really dreamt of Harry? This exact picture I mean." I nodded feeling my eyes begin to water I chose to continue to speak my heart and mind. "Yes Hermione I often dreamt of that very scene sometimes I still do although I sometimes consider the dream more of a nightmare because I know it will never come to fruition. It's another reason I had to leave Hermione I honestly cannot say I would have been able to keep it together if I saw you and Ron have a child it would feel like a knife to my back. I wasn't lying when I told you there would never be a Mrs. Potter I don't want that life with anyone else. It would be unfair to any woman to deceive her and make her think that all my love belongs to her when in reality it always has and always will belong to you." Again there was another silence I knew that this would be a lot for Hermione to take in. The words on the pages she read years ago cannot compare to what I was expressing right now. When it came to writing I had time to process it and make it sound the best version that I remember but right now in this moment everything I am speaking is raw emotion. " I apologize if it hurt you to hear that I never planned on seeing you again but I was simply being honest. Of course I wanted to see you again but I knew that the chances were highly unlikely given how things went down three years ago and I knew it would not bode well with Ron had you tried to consistently look for me all these years." The silence fell upon us once more but I  began to feel a little bit of relief this was the first time in three years since I had spoken so much about how I feel towards Hermione and I think it helped that I was speaking directly to the source. "To answer your question Hermione, like I told your parents three years ago. I left to grow old, old and alone." But now it was my time to have a question and the thought of an answer to it scared me to my very core. "Hermione why do you still have that drawing?"

Hi there! I am so sorry for the delay on updating this story the past few months have been hectic with a move and getting settled but I am excited to continue the story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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