Chapter Four

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"You died!" Hermione's face shot up once more as she looked directly at me anger very evident in her face. I sighed loudly as I ran my hand through my hair. This was going to be a long night. "Yes Hermione I died. It's a long story but I know you won't go anywhere until I tell it. While we were on the run I was doing some research about Horcruxes and their creation."

" Well there was one instance in the past of a dark wizard no where near Voldemort's level but Dark none the less. Anyway he had found the same interest as Voldemort in creating Horcruxes. While this wizard was experimenting with the creation of a horcrux he shot the killing curse trying to hit a rabbit. What he didn't know that his wife had been out in the same woods fetching water. The curse hit her instead and it she fell down immediately, but the spell also bounced back hitting the wizard with his own spell. He was knocked out immediately and thought that he was a goner. To his surprise he woke up to his wife cradling his head urging him to wake up a scar appearing on the left side of her neck. Both of them were stunned but more so were happy to have survived. The wizard immediately casted dark magic away and dove into researching what had happened to him and his wife. As the months went by the pair realized that they could see and hear what the other was feeling at times. While they were experiencing one of these episodes the wizard noticed that his wife would feel the need to touch the scar that had formed. In the end he was unable to figure out what had occurred that day but as a way of preventing future witches and wizards from practicing the creation of Horcurxes he released his experience with them."

" As I read through his story it all clicked to me, his wife had survived the killing curse just as I had and instead of either party dying they became linked. And whenever that link was triggered the scar that had been left behind would become irritating. The same thing would happen to me with mine, except since Tommy Boy and I did not share the love that the wizard and his wife did our connection would cause me pain as well. Without realizing it, both the wizard from the past and Voldemort had placed a piece of their soul into the person they killed. In both instances someone who loved the person being killed was present so that protection allowed the piece of soul that had been ripped to connect to its new host. Thus creating me into a Horcrux. I chose to keep the information to myself I needed you focused on figuring out on how to remove the others. I knew that I would have to figure something out. As the time went on we began destroying the Horcruxes up to the point where we made it back to Hogwarts. While you and Ron thought that there was only one Horcrux left I knew that there was still two me being the other. I wasn't sure how to go about destroying it without hurting myself well that was until I went to meet up with both of you at the rendezvous point. When I finally had found you, you and Ron were in the midst of a private moment. It hurt like hell to see and I knew then that I didn't have to worry about finding a way to remove the Horcrux without hurting myself. I found Neville and told him to handle Nagini and that the rest would be over soon."

"I left Hogwarts then knowing that in order for the Horcrux inside me to be destroyed Tommy Boy would have to kill me. I made my way to a clearing in the woods where I saw him and his commanding officers. Soon after they left I confronted him and after a little teasing I succeeded in what I wanted he killed me and along with him the last piece of his soul." I was about to continue my story when I was met with a hard smack to my face. I cowered away it may have been years ago but the results of my abuse from Uncle Vernon still had their effects on me. "You selfish bastard you went out there on your own! After we told you that we would be there for you! After I told you that we would figure this out together!" I was never one to really get angry with Hermione, but I guess being smacked in the face does something to you. "Well what would you have had me done Hermione? Sit there and watch as you and Ron sucked each others faces off then told you oh by the way I have the last piece of a Dark Wizard's soul stuck in me let's see how we can remove it without killing me! You have no idea how difficult it was Hermione. What you read in that journal was no lie I have been in love with you ever since our Third year! But guess what? There was nothing that I could do about it because right before my eyes the man I once thought was my best friend fell in love with the same witch the difference being that the witch loved him back. Oh and then there was the bloody hunt, you have no idea how much if broke my heart to see you pine over Ron when he left. How I had to hold you and console you through it all. And when he chose to come back it killed me to convince you to give him another chance. So I'm sorry if you found it selfish of me wanting it all be over. Do I need to remind you I had lost everyone? My parents, Sirius, Dumbledore, and now I had lost my friends to love." She spoke in a soft voice now but still laced with anger. "You still had Ron and I we could have talked about it." I scoffed at her words. "Do you even hear yourself Hermione? What would you have had me do? Confessed my feelings to you and Ron? Oh I'm sure that would have gone great. I doubt I have to remind you that Ron is one of the most hotheaded people on this earth! So no Hermione we could not have talked about it. Were talking now and look at what it has led to. Never once in my life did I think you would hit me especially when you know about my past." I finished dejectedly  I wasn't even angry anymore I was hurt. She gasped and looked at the hand she had struck me with the matching print forming on my cheek. She reached out and began rubbing where her hand had struck me moments ago. While I wanted to turn away I knew I couldn't resist her touch. "Harry I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me, even if I did know it's no excuse for me to lay my hands on you like that." I smiled sadly at her despite the hurt I was feeling at the moment I couldn't help reveal in her touch. Choosing to change the subject I continued my tale. I had started telling it and I wasn't going to stop.

"I had thought that it was all over that I would finally be able to see my parents and Sirius again. But I was met with something rather unexpected. I found myself at King's Cross with the train looking as if it was getting ready to depart. I soon find myself next to Godric Gryffindor. He tells me that I was at the station much too early. I mentioned the Horcrux needing to be destroyed in order to get rid of Voldemort. And while he agreed that was the case. He told me I was supposed to die with the desire in my heart to return." I hung my head low knowing that Hermione would understand what I was referring to with my words. "Oh Harry" she whispered softly.  "He told me that I had a choice that I could make. I could either get on the train and get to be with Mum, Dad, and Sirius. Or I could come back and return when I was supposed to." I took a deep breath and lifted my head up looking right into Hermione's eyes. " It was such a difficult choice Hermione, but there was one thing that convinced me to come back. I took another pause knowing that once I said this there would absolutely be no going back "That being your safety."

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