Chapter Eight

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Apologies for the delay I was blocked on how to continue but here we are

Harry's P.O.V.

 "Hello Hermione."  I say weakly looking at the woman who still came to the forefront of my mind everyday. Her crying seems to subside as she takes in the sight of me. My appearance had changed during the three years since she had last seen me. I found it enjoyable to go on runs during my travels, then Dan introduced me to the gym and I started lifting weights. I didn't go all out but my body had changed from its lanky form from my time growing up. She continues to stare at me and I stare right back. I don't have a single clue in the world of how to start this conversation. I wasn't even sure if there is anything left for me to say. I left everything on the table the last time we spoke. I take a moment to take in the sight of her and I regret it instantly. There on her left hand are two rings. I recognize the first immediately as her engagement ring. The second one has an even larger stone and shines brighter. I bring my eyes to look down to the floor the exact thing that I wanted to swallow me whole in this moment.  We continue to stand there in silence not a single word being uttered out of the other. " I should have known this is where I would find you." I hear her state. I look up staring right into her eyes again. "I'm surprised you didn't find me sooner Hermione, although part me knows that you weren't really looking." I heard her wince and for a moment I was happy to have caused her a fraction of pain. Especially after she had no decent response for me that day 3 years ago. "I see that you went through with it. Congratulations you two must be very happy." I choke out the last part. 

"It isn't what I imagined but nobody is perfect." I chuckled at that, while I hadn't married anybody the same was able to be said about my life these past three years it was no where near what I imagined. "So what brings you here to ambush me Hermione? I'm pretty sure I left everything on table when I last left." I was upset here she was invading my private the space. The place where I was able to begin to heal, but now that's at risk of crumbling. She looks sheepishly towards me knowing that my words were true. "I just wanted to see you Harry it's been so long, everyone misses you back home." I scoffed at that I hadn't considered The Burrow nor The Weasley Clan home for a long time. After all this time the only Weasley who still reached out was Ginny. Her and Neville wrote often and they promised to never disclose that they had contact with me. 

"I highly doubt that to be true Hermione. If that were the case why has it taken three years to find me? It's not like I have this placed locked under The Fidelius Charm. Had anyone tried sending an owl it would have arrived here." She brought her head down. "Look Hermione, I don't mind talking I really don't. You startled me earlier which is why I fled, I wasn't expecting to see you anytime soon or possibly even for the rest of my life even." She picked her head up at that and I could tell that I had struck a nerve. "Now what makes you say that Harry? What makes you say that you never expected to see me again for the rest of your life?." My anger flared up at that. "Oh I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that I left everything out and open for how I felt about you and you had nothing to say. In fact you chose to ignore my feelings and focused instead on the point that I had died." Hermione answered back hastily almost as if she had been preparing herself for this conversation and of course she probably had she's Hermione Granger for goodness sake. "It was a lot for me to process Harry, never in a million years did I ever think that you would harbor those feelings for me." I answered back just as quickly. "That doesn't mean you had to leave me there in silence while I wanted to escape. You stayed there pondering and my mind went into instant panic. I told you from the beginning that the woman I love could not know because it would ruin everything. And look at this now." I gestured around the room.

Knowing my implication Hermione fired back another response. "I never told you to leave Harry, you made that choice on your own so don't go blaming me for that!" My anger peaked once more. "Not once did I blame you for my leaving! I am well aware that I made the choice on my own to flee, and it killed me, but it's not like you left me many options. On that day you confirmed what I always knew to be true. There is no chance that you would ever feel the same as I do. Your heart belongs to Ron and mine belongs to you and it always will." The tears sprung to my eyes it had been awhile since I went this deep into how I felt. "Weather you wanted to or not you took it and smashed it keeping the pieces with you. Because you never gave me any response any indication that we would make it through this. Now I am in a stable place where I can try my best to live a regular life, and of course I can't go a day without remembering my love for you but I make do. Now if you'll excuse me I really have to get to work. If you'd like make yourself at home, but I'd understand perfectly if you wish to leave." I push my way past her not giving her a chance to respond. I run down the stairs, and out the front door. 

I arrive at the shop, and see that the doors are open. Mentally thanking the Grangers I make my way inside and b-line it directly behind the counter. I needed to wash off and at least pretend like everything was ok. Mrs. Granger sees the look on my face before I can make it to the sink. She grabs me and pulls me into a hug, "I'm assuming things didn't go well?" I look to Mrs. Granger and she smiles apologetically at me. "Harry please forgive me, but you two need to try to fix things. I couldn't let you continue to hurt like this. And Hermione... She's not happy I know she isn't. She won't delve into too many details I fear it's because she knows that we still don't approve of her marriage to that Weasley boy. I know this is a lot to ask of you Harry, but please help Hermione, figure out what's going on with her. Who knows maybe you can heal in the process?" She stated hopefully. I ponder what she told me for a moment, but I know it's fruitless to try and consider telling her no. "I'll do what I can Mrs. Granger but please don't get your hopes up."

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