Chapter Five

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"I knew very well that the Professors could have finished Voldemort off in his state. All the pieces of his soul had been destroyed and he was extremely weak as well as delusional. But I could not risk the prophesy needing to be completed fully in order for it to actually work. So I came back not for the wizarding world but so that you would be safe." I felt like locking myself up in my room and never leaving, I had revealed what I promised I would never. "Harry why did you never tell anyone about what happened?" Well I have gotten this far might as well tell the rest. "There was no point in doing that Hermione. No one had realized that I had died, I guess the time that I was with Godric was really fast compared to the time here on earth. When I woke up Voldemort was still cackling that he had killed me. The last thing I wanted was the world finding another reason to celebrate me. I hated the attention I was getting already I didn't need more. There were some people I told though." Just as I knew it would this piece of information caught Hermione's attention.

"After the war I chose to help you by tracking down your parents so that you could be with the Weasleys. As you know I found them fairly quick and I reversed the charm that you had placed on them. I was in a really low point at the time and your father being a war vet himself recognized that. He had me tell them what happened in the past year. I tried leaving out my death and how I felt about their daughter, but when I finished my retelling your father told me that he knew I was leaving out something and that if I felt comfortable they would like to hear. Before I told the rest though your parents asked me one question, that being if I loved you. I'm not sure what really came over me maybe it was just the fact that I needed someone anyone to know so I answered them honestly. After answering their question I told them about how I died, and came back. Your parents and I grew close after that. After helping them settle back into London they told me I was welcome anytime. Since I had become distant from you and the Weasleys I chose to visit your parents every Sunday instead of The Burrow." I looked up in hopes that Hermione hadn't been too upset that I was spending so much time with her parents but I instead found her looking at me as if everything in the universe had just made sense. "Hermione are you ok?" She seemed to snap out of her stupor at hearing her name and she shook her head indicating that she was back. 

"Yes, it's just what you just said it made a lot of things more understandable." I looked back at her more confused than ever. "For the past two years whenever I would visit my parents, they seem to act as if they know something I don't. I found it especially strange whenever my mother would mention you and ask if I had seen you. I know I had spoken about you a lot while we were growing up. But it's like you said we haven't really been close since the war. So I hadn't mentioned you nearly as much, but it seemed the less I mentioned you the more mum wanted to know about how you were. I'm guessing now that she was trying to hint that I should go talk to you more. It's actually the reason I had stopped by today, well that and it being the anniversary of the war ending." I nodded in understanding, Mrs. Granger tried every now and then getting me to talk to Hermione seeing if the opportunity would open for me to reveal how I felt. I often told her not to get her hopes up because I would not be pursuing Hermione. "I'm sorry if you find it strange that I spend time with them Hermione. They were there for me in a time where I felt completely alone. In a way it allowed me to appreciate you for who you are." I wasn't really sure what else to say at this point I had poured my heart out and everything was up in the air. I knew there was no chance that Hermione would be leaving Ron, and even if she did leave him she showed no interest in me. 

We sit there in an uncomfortable silence. It's not like it used to be where we could speak to one another without uttering a word. Things had changed, Hermione had drifted to another and I was left all alone on our little island. All the negative thoughts and emotions I had been feeling came to the forefront of my mind. I tried to contain it but one person can only take so much, I felt my magic inside of me swirling. I needed to be somewhere where I felt safe. It seemed that my magic was finally on my side again because I suddenly vanished. I closed my eyes tight I had no idea where my magic was taking me, but I could feel the effects of the amount of magic being used. I landed with what a hard thud and my body felt like it was about to shut down. When I opened my eyes I took in the sight of the Grangers kitchen and a startled Mrs. Granger drinking a cup of tea. "Harry! Are you alright what happened?" Mrs. Granger rushed from her seat as she crouched down next to me. "I'm sorry Mrs. Gra--" I was unable to finish my sentence as the world around me swirled and I was enveloped in darkness.

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