seventeen: coolin'.

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"what's wrong with yo' legs?" jace scrunched up his face.

"i was racing kobi and he pushed me." i said, eating a chip.

"i think janae got sumn' to do with that." ashanti teased.

"right, don't be blaming that on my brother." jace said making me laugh.

"what's going on with y'all anyway? it was sweet of her to stay around when you were going through it." ashanti asked.

i started smiling at the thought and both of them filled the room with 'oohhhhh's'.

"not too much. but i love her. it's all so new to me, man. i feel like she was sent for me to learn new things and how to love me for me."

"awwww, y'all so cute." jace said in the tone ashanti uses making us laugh.

"nah but for real, i'm happy for you, mani. i can tell she's tryna treat you right and that you're trying to open up more. i hope y'all work out for real 'cause that other bitch was-"

ashanti cut off jace's sentence.

"don't even bring that hoe up."

i tried to push away the thoughts of my last relationship out of my mind.

i love janae and she was honestly a breath of fresh air from desireé.

i'm glad i stopped fighting my feelings and just let janae in.

"janae is everything i need. like everything. the love that she's showing me is a new kind. and i'm learning how to return it back to her in the best way i can. it's not the easiest but janae is worth it."

"i'm glad, amani. i know how hard everything has been lately so it's nice for you to finally meet somebody who's able to treat you the way you're supposed to."

i smiled.

"oh my gawd, y'all gon' make me cry." jace said, fanning his eyes mocking ashanti.

she threw a pillow at him making me laugh.

"you know i'm just fucking with you, bae." jace said, peppering kisses all over her face.

"i haven't been talking to y'all in a minute, what's been going on?" i asked.

"i got food poisoning." ashanti said.

i scrunched my face up.

"from where?"


"see, i keep saying it! that nasty ass food."

"man, i was fucked up." she said, laying on jace.

i looked at my phone.

incoming facetime call from: nae nae❣️

i smiled before answering.

"wassup, ma." she said, propping the camera up as she typed away at her computer.

"hey, boo."

she had on a white wife beater with a black bonnet and her glasses.

"what you doing?" i asked her, laying back on my couch.

"finishing up this paper."

"mmh, you so pretty, baby."

she smiled at the camera.

"thank you, ma. i miss you."

"i miss you too, nae."

"imma finish up this paper and slide through before they get there."

"you being early for sumn'?" i quirked my eyebrow as she mugged me.

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