fourty five: clarity.

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trigger warning! mentions of domestic violence and alcohol abuse.

"ma! you ready?" i shouted at amani.

i've been waiting in the living room for the past 30 minutes because she fell asleep early last night instead of packing.

"i'm coming, damn! impatient ass..." she muttered, coming out the room with her bag.

i mugged her before opening the door.

we were headed back to new york today so me, dougie and kay can figure this shit out with the club owner.

the owner has called back a few times over the past couple of weeks but all i do is decline them.

i texted kay and dougie an hour ago letting them know that we're on our way.

we're only three hours away so it'll take no time to get there.

i put me and amani's bags in the trunk before getting in the driver's seat.

"can we get some jamaican food?" amani asked, hooking her phone up to the aux.

i sucked my teeh.

"ma, that's all the way out the way."

"okay." she sulked.

i rolled my eyes before going in the completely different direction.

amani smiled.

"thank you, baby."

i pulled up to our favorite jamaican food spot after 15 minutes.

i went in and ordered both of us curry shrimp, cabbage, rice and peas with a side of coco bread.

i sighed as i got back in the car, handing her the bag of food.

she gave me a kiss on my cheek before pulling out her platter, handing me mine.

we ate in the car before getting back on the road.

amani picked up her phone, turning on some mariah the scientist.

"guess it's best to get this out in the open... like my heart was once, but now it's closing..." she sang lowly, scrolling through her phone.

amani could lowkey sing and i always remind her of it but she always thinks i'm just saying what she wants to hear.

which isn't true because when tenai's tone deaf ass sings, i definitely let her know that nobody wants to hear it.

"but look at what we made, sure was i lay it in the grave, now I'm all covered in dirt." she sang, nodding her head to the music.

traffic was light since it was early as hell so we ended up getting to new york around 2:00.

i texted kay as i pulled in front of the hotel, letting him know that we were in the area.

"i wish i knew we would've been here so much... i would've kept my apartment." i muttered, getting out the car.

we checked in at the front desk before heading up to our room.

"you talked to kay?" amani asked.

i nodded.

"i texted him and told him that we were here."

my phone started ringing.

i answered the phone once i saw that it was rashaad calling.

"yo, wassup?" i answered.

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