thirty three: apple.

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me, kay and dougie went to the bodega to get us something quick to eat.

i ate a little bit but my mind is still on amani.

i would say i can't believe this happened but the sad part is that i actually can.

and that's exactly why i hate it in new york.

"yo, you good nae?" dougie asked me as we pulled up to the hospital.

"yeah, i'm cool." i nodded, getting out of the car.

"i can't even stress how sorry we are, buzz. for real, we should've just left it alone out of respect for you and amani." kay said.

"apple gon' kill you." dougie joked, making kay side eye him.

"she already mad at me. i just told her to pull up though."

"who is apple?" i asked.

"my girl." kay cheesed, making me nod in response.

"that's the girl from last night?"

kay nodded.

"who would've ever thought you were being loyal." i playfully rolled my eyes, making kay suck his teeth.

"y'all be dick riding for what?" kay said, annoyed.

my phone began ringing in my pocket.

"wassup?" i spoke into the phone.

"where the fuck y'all at?!" kyra's voice boomed through the phone.

"fuck is you yelling for?"

"because you just fucking went ghost and ain't tell nobody where y'all was at! same shit you got mad at amani for so stop being a fucking hypocrite."

"look, we at the hospital. a lot has happened since we been here and it's too much to just catch you up on the phone."

"the fuck is y'all at the hospital for?" jakobi's voice asked.

"why is y'all toge- awe shit." i mumbled.

"why are y'all in the hospital?" kyra urged.

i sighed.

"amani got shot."

"what?!" they both yelled in sync.

"it's a long story and-"

"why the fuck you ain't tell us?" jakobi asked.

"because i had to process it too! the fuck, she just went into surgery like a hour ago."

"we on our way." kyra said before hanging up.

i groaned, rubbing my temples.

"kevin!" a voice shouted as it traveled through the hospital doors.

"ma, chill wit' the gov." kay said, walking over to his girlfriend.

"no, shut up. i'm pissed at you, for real." apple said, rolling her eyes at him.

"wassup sis." dougie cheesed, getting a mug from her in response.

"i'm mad at you too, arion."

"don't be saying the gov damn. you could've at least said douglas." dougie joked, making her roll her eyes again.

"hey, i'm apple." she said, giving me a side hug.

"i'm janae."

"tell her yo' real name." kay gritted in her ear making her squirm as his hand went down to her butt.

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