I'll take those chances

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it's been a few days some rethinking about being with tom again, and with a lot of thought I think Im willing to give it another try, but it's too soon so today I have to get songs recorded for my next album, and thought I'd invite Tom and the band just to hang out and reconnect after all those missed years, but all the songs I have are about Tom. I mean i could just right new ones but that would take much more time then necessary and me and my production team don't have that time, and these song are all done and have the main sound track if just needs to be recorded with lyrics.

So I'm hoping no one from the band or Tom catch on you know, it would be weird if someone you just reconnected with was still producing songs about you, so I just hope they don't put two and two together


The band arrived and when they did I got them from the front and led them to the recording room, they sat down while I walked into the booth with my band. The first song we decided to do was Cinnamon Girl. I got scared but hoped the band and Tom would think this song was for others to relate, and not know this song was about him

As the song started I started visualizing the feelings I felt writing this song and new u could put that feeling in the lyrics, cause for me songs aren't about how up beat they can be, for me their on emotion, I want people to hear the emotion and how relatable that emotion is. For me that was that was the best thing to come from me and toms first break up, being able to put actually emotion not just lyrics with a catch melody.

As the the song came to and end and it was just the music and no singing, I took a deep breathe, feeling good that I was able to sing a song about someone and then no knowing it's about them, cause when I looked at Tom he just smile proudly as well as the band, so that stress was gone. But soon came back once u saw the other songs for the album we had to recorded, god why did my team choose the songs u had to record today, like why couldn't I record these songs another day when Tom isn't here, it's like they knew he'd be here cause the songs they picked were about him. Dear lord please help me right now.

After we finishing the second song it was lunch and I felt relief, but still kind of wanted avoid Tom cause after the second one it looked like he caught on with the second song being called finish line and it mentioned a break up so he probably did.

As we were at the crafts and service station getting food Tom was by me the whole time while Bill, Gustav, and Goerg where talking to my band mates.

I was having a hard time finding out what to eat but soon saw chocolate covered strawberries, seeing them made me smile cause my team always has them for when ewe gave breaks like these from me telling them I've liked them since I was a little girl. I took some making sure there were extra for others it for me if I wanted more and went to go sit on the couch in the recording room since it was quiet and helped calm my headache from having guitar, drums and bass mixed with piano blasted in my ear plus with me singing,

not gonna lie I thought I'd be alone, no one really saw me come in here but was wrong when Tom walked in with his favorite soda, Coca Cola, and a bag of chips, sitting next to me starting conversation, I kind of liked being in a noise canceling room with him, and just talking, the last time we talked face to face was the beach, but that wasn't really talking it was yelling at eachother.

So this is the first time we've actually had a conversation, we've talked over text and call but still. The whole conversation was just catching up from the list years, some how the conversation got deep, but not where tears were shed, but to where Tom leaned back into the corner of the couch and signaled for me to come over there, and we just sat their with the occasional silence in each others arms

oh how I missed with feeling. After the break up I went and got in relationships with other guys but they were never the same. So being able to have this feeling back made me not want to have it go to waste. Ever since that kiss on the beach I don't know if we are back together, or what we are, but right now that didn't matter just being able to have Tom back with us arms around me was all I needed right now.


God I hope I'm not dreaming, I hope this is not a dream that feels real, if it was I would not want any one to pinch me and stop this dream.

Her scent filling my noise, realizing it's her same scent from when we were younger, it's like nothing ever changed and we were 15 again in my bedroom hanging out after a long hard day or when she would come over after I was out at band rehearsal or I just came home from tour. I wish this would last forever, having her in my arms, the girl I realized wanted to Marry when I was 13, and back then the only reason I liked her was because she was friends with a lot of older girls but once to know her more and be around her I realize I just wanted to be with her every second and not just for the girls for her. And now that I'm able to be here with her again makes me not want to move and just be here with slight fear that she'll leave again.


being back in toms arms is making do a whole bunch of rethinking to the thinking I've already done, and how I'm scared of that chances of Tom hurting me again but I think I'll take those chances if it means I get to be with Tom know matter what we are, I'll take those chances if I get to have Tom back.

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