Chapter 38: Dont Ever Seek True Opinion From...

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I walked slowly over to where Athena was standing up from the exact table that the three of us always occupied while eating here.  “Hi, Athena.”  We stood staring at each other for a couple of moments before she carefully reached her arms out and pulled me into a hug.  We stood there hugging until I heard Izzy coughing over my shoulder.

I turned around and saw a disapproving look on Izzy’s face as she stared down Athena. “Athena.”

“Hi Izzy.  How are you?”

“I’m ok, you?”

“Better now that I am back home.”

I looked between the two girls and ever so carefully sat down at the table.  Athena soon sat down across from me.  Izzy looked at both of us like we were crazy and stomped over to the counter to order coffee for me and tea for her. 

My eyes followed Izzy and then I turned back to face Athena.  I gave her a weak smile, “So how long are you here for?”

“Just a couple more days. I got home about two weeks ago but I didn’t get the courage to call you until this morning.”  I slowly nodded my head and gave her another weak smile. 

“Well I’m glad you did.”

“Same I have missed hanging out with you and Izzy on Saturday mornings.”

“Yeah it was really weird the first couple of weeks after you left.” I looked over to make sure Izzy was still ordering before I said, “Izzy and I even came here once or twice then all of a sudden we stopped.”

“Really you kept coming back here?”

“Yeah we even brought Harry and Niall here once.”  I started cringing at the memory.  Izzy and I had woken up that morning craving Nutella Pancakes and Strawberry Waffles.  The boys were in town visiting so Izzy and I insisted they take us to breakfast.  After we arrived and were seated someone had tweeted about seeing the boys so right as the food was delivered girls started swarming are table taking photos of us trying to eat and enjoy each other’s company.   We tried eating with this going on around us but as soon as someone took my photo while I was lifting up my fork full of pancakes into my mouth, that picture later ended up all over the internet.  While I stopped eating Harry, Niall and Izzy continued to pick off of my plate as well as finishing off what they had ordered.  After Harry paid the check we stood up and Niall not only had his mouth full of food but as he stood up he accidentally pulled the tablecloth causing all the plates and cups on the table to go smashing to the ground.  The press had a fun day with all the pictures they got of us, they even started making up what we all were saying as the plates went crashing to the floor.  That was officially the last time Izzy and I set foot in here.

“They must have loved that.”

“Yeah Niall loved the food and well Harry…”

“He was just as sweet as he could possibly be?”


“I’m back!”  I looked up to see Izzy holding two mugs in her hands.  I reached up and grabbed one praying it was my coffee.  As soon as I got a grip on the mug she placed the other on the table and sat down.  She stared at Athena as she took a couple of sips of her tea.  I looked down at my coffee and picked it up and started drinking right as Izzy placed her mug on the table as carefully as she could and asked, “Well if Ella won’t ask I will.”

I looked over at my best friend and with a lowered voice said, “Izzy stop.”

“No Ella, I will not stop.  We have a right to know.”

“Izzy is now really the place?”

“Yes.”  Izzy’s face was turning red as she studied Athena’s face.  “Why the hell you thought it was okay to just skip town!”


“What Ella?!  You know you want to know why too!”

“I do but I also don’t think this is the place to talk about it.”

“Why? Because it all started when that asshole tried rapping her?”

“Izzy really can we wait until at least after we eat?”

“Ella its fine I know that I owe you two an explanation about what happened and why I left.”

“Yeah you do!”

“Athena you don’t have too.”

“Yes I do.”  Izzy and I both sat still as we waited for Athena to start talking.  “After that night I fell apart.  I couldn’t eat or sleep.  Nothing mattered anymore.  It hurt me to see you two both so happy when I wasn’t, I knew I needed to get away.”

“You could have talked to us about it.”

“No I couldn’t Izzy!  You were so in love with Niall that you didn’t know what was going on.”

“Athena you know that’s not true.”

“Yes it is Ella.  I mean don’t get me wrong you were like Izzy too but not as bad.  You were only focused on Harry that night.  I wish I could have told you right then and there what was wrong, but I couldn’t.  Hell I even blamed you too after it happened because you didn’t go looking for me.  No instead fucking Zayn and Liam found me!”  Athena had tears streaming down her face.

“Athena we didn’t know anything was wrong.  We were having fun at a party with our boyfriends.  We did nothing wrong!”

I heard a loud thud noise and looked over to see Izzy slamming her hands on the table and standing up.  “Ella I’m sorry but I can’t sit here and have her try and tell me that everything that happened was our fault.  ‘Cause it wasn’t.  It was that asshole Drew’s fault.”

“Athena, Izzy is right.  You were taken advantage of by your boyfriend.  You can’t blame us forever you need to actually blame the person who started this.”  Izzy pushed off the table and started walking to the door.  I grabbed my cup of coffee and quickly downed it.  “Bye Athena.” I stood up and started walking towards Izzy.

“Wait!”  I turned around and faced Athena again.  “What happened when I left?”

“What are you talking about?”

“What happened to Zayn after I left?”

I started walking back to the table.  “Well they were only in town for a couple more days after you left.”  Athena was looking at me with hope in her eyes.  “All I really know for sure is that he blamed himself for you leaving.”

“But it wasn’t his fault.”

“He didn’t know that Athena. Look I get that you want to make amends with everyone right now but you need to leave Zayn out of this.  He has been through enough recently and he is not just getting back to his normal self.” 

“Just answer this last question for me.  Is he dating her again?”

“You probably know more about that than I do.  Bye Athena.”  I turned away from Athena and walked out the door. 

As I got to my car I pulled out my phone and quickly texted, ‘WE NEED TO TALK!’

(A/N) Hey!! First I want to find out who you think Ella texted and then if you have any ideas for a future chapter let me know!  Now on to this...Sorry it took me so long to upload this chapter...things got crazy with homework and duing tech for my schools production of Les Mis.  I barely slept for about three weeks and every night during 'One Day More' I started was bad. But moving on!! I am hoping to get back on my regular writing schedual but that probs wont happen because my schools One Acts open in two weeks and I still dont know my lines... Well I love each and everyone of you to the moon and back! So dont forget to Vote/Comment/and Fan!!p.s. Y'ALL ROCK FOR GETTING THIS OVER 20,000 READS!!

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