7. Friends

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Character POV:Jake


For the next 30 something minutes me and Bonnie worked together to clean up the now destroyed arcade machine, sweeping and picking up all the internal bits and broken glass. With Bonnie not as angry as before, I decided to finally speak up again.

Jake:So, DeeDee huh?

Bonnie:Yup, that's DeeDee alright.

Jake:Quite the energetic one.

Bonnie:And a huge attention seeker.

Jake:Almost a bit too much.

Bonnie:Yeah, annoying little exhibitionist.

Jake:Yeah I gathered that much, sounds familiar?

Bonnie:Hey, don't compare us. I have a lot more self-control than she does.

Jake:Uh-huh, says the rabbit that seduced me on night one. If anything Dee-Dee has more control than you.

Bonnie:Keep that up and there won't be anymore seduction mister.

Jake:Fair enough. So this Fazcade Frenzy has happened before?


Jake:The coupons, constantly showing herself off, the very dumb point system?

Bonnie:Yuuuup, not the first arcade machine lost either.

A large recurring event, yet only four out of seven animetronics showed up.

????????:Isn't Foxy a pirate, with a hook? How would she play most games with a hook hand?

As we finished picking up all the scrap Bonnie dumped the bits into the broken screen, containing the entire mess into the broken metal box.

Jake:Speaking of which, where should we dump the body?

Bonnie:Broken tech is put backstage, I can drag it over.

Jake:That'll probably ruin the carpet or tiles, I can help you carry it.

Bonnie:Really? All right then.

We move to opposite sides of the cabinet and grab our respective ends.

Bonnie:1, 2, 3 lift!

We lifted up the machine, loose parts clank around inside as we do.

Bonnie:Woah, strong one aren't we~?

Jake:Still human, and still a 200lb metal box.

Bonnie:Right, follow me.

We started walking out of the arcade, Bonnie leading the way and doing most of the heavy lifting.

Jake:Oh christ. How often has this happened?

Bonnie:Used to be every other month when we first got the arcade, I was doing good for a while. This is the first time I've broken one since.

Jake:And you weren't fired?

Bonnie:No, but I was creatively punished by Mary, that woman can have some twisted ideas.

Jake:Hopefully your good behavior benefits you.

Bonnie:It probably won't.

We continued to carry the machine through the empty dining room. Guess Chica and Freddi were playing chess elsewhere. Bonnie's back was facing the backstage door as she tried to reach for the knob.

Jake:Wait, so how long has DeeDee been here? Because there's no way she hasn't caused rages before. Try a little higher.

Bonnie:Thanks. About seven months ago.

(Outdated)Five Night's at Anime 1:Something NewWhere stories live. Discover now