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TL:DR:This wasn't fun to write so I'm changing it up. No more or Ao3 and this book won't be written. I'm gonna focus on the BTS book and incorporate scrapped stuff from here over there. Once the updated chapter 1 and rules chapter release I'll be able to tell more. SORRY.
Yeah this is gonna suck to write, so I'm just using text to speech.
Hey guys hey guys author here I have some bad news as of today FNIA one is being canceled. The reasons for this or kind of plentiful but overall, I think it just became too much for me and became kind of a pain to write.
So I put it into words imagine I had a cake and I want us to do a hell of a lot with this cake, but I can only focus on one layer at a time and the thing is simply working on one layer at a time could not cutting out with my style of writing and wanting to Xpress this cake so I could either force myself to work on one layer of the cake and get bored overtime or change to more of a pizza where can work on any part I want as long as I set a base.
Yeah, I basically I have thought a lot about this vanilla universe way more than I logically should I have written so many characters so many platforms I have gone to so much in social time and I just can't express that in this book that I'm trying to write initially I was going to Write this entire series out of a set of books. And each book was gonna focus on a restaurant, but as I want, and as I went on to each different book, the side chapters, you know the ones that we generally found a different characters would. Instead, he used to go back to previous restaurants so like when we went to book to which was going to be sis, location, decide chapters with that would help us focus back on the first restaurants and no one would miss them and this way I could focus focus on everything all at once, but I kinda didn't like this linear mono story writing that I was doing, overall I just got absorbed into the world. I was creating in one way to express that in a bigger fashion which is why I made the 0.5 and 1.5 story me where I would be able to do any animetronic or any location at any point in time with him with a set of different yet work well, working together, characters that code with them. But in the end, I found myself away to attach this book. I have written so many chapters already to focus on these characters to help build out so many different animatronics visiting about side plots Stephen I'm outside plus I go to different restaurants about character arts for the animetronic side, end up returning unexpectedly for kind of stick, stitch, raft stingers for some of some humans that we don't get to see how you thought a lot, and overall I found myself held back because I felt obligated to complete the first book. But in the end, I kind of wrote myself into a corner with one of the latest chapters, and I felt instead of trying to do a big standoff with the big chatter like I was initially planning it's best if I just cancel it now and leave it as good as it was and not try to ruin it with the make everyone happy chapter you know
God, this entire explanation is getting really broken and ask because I'm doing text to speech right now to get this out as quickly as possible so it's gonna be a mess. I'm sorry.
Another thing I'm more smaller thing was that I couldn't keep up with writing this on multiple sites the different rules and regulations for searching on fancy Quinta Quinta user interaction which is too much for me so I figured the best if I stay to one side and one book when I could be doing any others as of right now we are not going to be doing anything else. The only contact I will ever happen off of white pages maybe Twitter stuff now they have an old and I may end up uploading chapters for veneer behind the scenes on a 03 since that site was generally receptive to my stuff, but overall I don't think fanfic is going to accept most of my work at this point, but who cares.
So we're gonna stick to one pad and we're gonna work on Finney behind-the-scenes. We are five main characters to work with, and the ideas that each chapter will generally focus on sort of episodic story with it with you have to deal with sort of visiting animatronic a problem or occasionally go offsite you can send questions to the characters to get your fill of world building and understanding early if you want and you can also send request for what characters do you want to be the next chapter as of right now the next few chapters are going to be the withered Bonnie in withered foxy chapter, and then after that, I'll for toy animatronics a little quickly show how I plan to differ this from Fnaf , and fnia in general. But hey, don't worry anything from this book ranging from the characters to plot points will be able to appear in the other book and will likely will as of right now the mango character that I was planning has already been introduced as a new main character or at least it will be once I upload the updated chapter 1. I'm sorry again, but I don't really have a lot more to say and I feel like the more. I try to justify this the more nonsense. I'm just gonna make up overall I just wasn't happy either way before I feel happier now and let me tell you I have thought about so much of this. I'll go deeper into it and saw the rules chapter for the behind-the-scenes book but I have Heisman able to write out shit for so many other stuff, and I just did not want to sacrifice the quality of this book by trying to force 20 animatronics into a single restaurant, so yeah that's about it. Sorry you had to be subjected to text to speech but at this point in time I do not have the time to fully write out some things so again I'm sorry once I finish work for today, I'll be able to upload the new rules for the behind-the-scenes chatter, as well as explain some of the basics again also, that's on the reasons I do not want to use they don't allow alternate chapters or user interaction in general, so it just felt like I was waiting for my thing to be taken down.

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