The Forbidden Fruits

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It's breathtaking to see a lush garden. The trees are tall and magnificent, and the luscious fruits of every color and shape are piled high on their branches. The wonderful scent of blossoming flowers permeates the air, the fireflies are everywhere, and the hoot of owls enhances the magical ambiance. Everything in the garden is bathed in a cold glow as moonlight peeks through the leafy canopy.

As the Big Fat Boy wanders through the lush gardens, he sees ripe fruits hanging from the trees. His stomach grumbles loudly, reminding him of how long it's been since he has had a good meal. Without thinking, he plucks fruit from a nearby tree and takes a big bite.

Suddenly, he hears a stern voice behind him. "Stop right there! What do you think you're doing?" He turns around to see a tall, imposing figure wearing a dark hooded cloak standing before him. It's the guardian of the gardens.

"What's the problem?" The fat boy asked with his mouth still full of the juicy fruit.

"The fruit in this garden is not for eating," Guardian replies firmly. "It's here to be appreciated and admired, not consumed."

"But I'm so hungry," he protests. "I couldn't resist."

"That may be, but rules are rules," I say. "You'll have to leave the garden now."

He hangs his head in disappointment and walks away from the garden, feeling ashamed of himself for breaking the rules. The Big Fat Boy vows never to disobey again and wonders how he'll satisfy his hunger.

As he turns to leave, the Big Fat Boy quickly comes up with a plan. He knows that he won't be able to resist the temptation to eat the fruit if he's hungry again, so he decides to invite a friend to help him raid the garden.

He calls up his friend and tells him about the forbidden fruits in the garden. His friend eagerly agrees to help him, and they both make plans to sneak into the garden that night and collect as much fruit as they can carry.

When they return to the garden that night, they find that the guardian is nowhere to be seen. The Big Fat Boy and his friend make their way to the trees and start plucking the fruit, filling their bags with as much as they can carry, it's a fantasy to their rumbled stomachs. They can't believe how delicious the fruit tastes, and they feel a sense of triumph as they manage to get away with their loot.

As they start to make their way out of the garden, however, they hear a noise behind them. They turn around to see the guardian standing there, with a stern look on their face.

"What do you think you're doing?" the guardian asks, clearly not pleased to see them again.

The Big Fat Boy quickly tries to come up with a convincing lie, but it's too late. The guardian knows exactly what they're up to, and they won't let them get away with it this time. He hangs his head in shame as the guardian escorts him and his friend out of the garden, vowing to never again break the rules.

As the guardian escorts the big fat boy and his friend out of the garden, the two boys come up with a plan to distract the guardian and make a run for it. The big fat boy starts pretending to feel sick, bending over and clutching his stomach.

"Guardian, please, my friend is not feeling well," the big fat boy's friend says, using his best acting skills. "Can we stop for a moment so he can catch his breath?"

The Guardian, concerned for their well-being, allows them to stop and catch their breath. While the guardian is distracted, the big fat boy and his friend take the opportunity to make a run for it, with their bags of fruit in tow.

Once they're safely outside the garden, The Big Fat Boy and his friend celebrate their victory, marveling at the amount of fruit they were able to snag. They decide to share their spoils with the hungry people in the nearby town and set off with their bags full of fruit. They make their way back to town, excited to share the delicious fruits with their hungry neighbors.

The Big Fat Boy and his friend happily distribute the fruit, watching the people eagerly bite into it. But as they bite, the ripe fruit suddenly turns rotten, crawling with worms. Said the hungry beggar old man "Are you trying to poison me?!" And a lot of homeless people are shocked and disgusted by the fruit they bit.

The Big Fat Boy and his friend quickly realize that the fruit in the garden was not meant for consumption but for admiration only.

Feeling guilty for their actions, The Big Fat Boy and his friend return to the garden, carrying the spoiled fruit with them. They apologize to the guardian and offer to help replant the garden, dedicating themselves to preserving its beauty for all to enjoy.

As the Big Fat Boy apologizes to the guardian for taking the fruits and returning them, his friend also steps forward and apologizes for their actions. He admits that he was wrong to encourage the Big Fat Boy to steal from the garden, and he promises to become a better farmer and follow the rules in the future.

The guardian listens to their apologies and is pleased to hear their sincere remorse. The Guardian understands that people make mistakes and that it's important to learn from them. The guardian then decides to give them a chance to redeem themselves by offering them a job in the garden.

The Big Fat Boy and his friend eagerly accept the offer and start working hard in the garden. They spend long hours under the sun, planting and tending to the trees and plants. They follow the garden's rules and prioritize its well-being over its desires.

Over the years, the Big Fat Boy and his friend become skilled gardeners and contribute to the garden's growth. They share their knowledge with other gardeners, and they learn from their experiences. They come to appreciate the value of hard work, patience, and respect for nature.

The Big Fat Boy's friend becomes a better farmer over time and gains the trust of the guardian. He earns a reputation for being a reliable and dedicated caretaker of the garden. The Big Fat Boy also becomes an integral part of the garden's community and finds a sense of purpose and satisfaction in working there.

In the end, the Big Fat Boy and his friend are grateful for the opportunity to work in the lush garden and for the lessons that it has taught them. They know that they will always respect the garden's rules and that they will continue to work hard to help it thrive.


The moral lesson in this story is about respecting rules and taking responsibility for our actions. At first, the protagonist deliberately disregards the established rule of refraining from handling any produce in the horticultural area. Later, they exhibit a sense of accountability by recognizing and acknowledging that their conduct led to undesirable outcomes. They return the fruits to the garden and apologize for their behavior. The character then seeks to make amends by offering to work in the garden, demonstrating the importance of respecting rules and contributing positively to society.

The narrative furthermore imparts upon us the significance of fortitude and tenacity. Additionally, it illustrates to its readers why striving for success is always worthy of diligent effort. By way of tireless diligence and unwavering devotion, the protagonist makes a valuable contribution to facilitate growth within the community garden. The demonstration of this phenomenon highlights the fact that diligence, commitment, and perseverance hold power to facilitate achievement as well as an intrinsic sense of satisfaction.

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