A young boy dies and reborn in a Anime Movie called Koe No Katachi(Silence Voice). A Movie that talk about a girl called Shouko who was deaf and mute, because of that she was bullied by everyone. Including Shouya the main character who later regret it.
The boy, not wanting Shouko to goes all of this, decide to be her friend and support her. Making not only her life better, but also his own.
OC x Shouko
Whetever Shouya get redeemed later and get a lover of his own is up to you.
Also please make the other pay for their action. Because it's really piss me off that Shouya was the only one to suffer for bulling Shouko even though the entier class(Including the teacher) also played a role in it and get away without consequence.
Story's Challenge
FanfictionThis is a book where a give you challenge for making story...in which i hope that somebody do.