Dogi Maji Memoriam

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The same night. Levi's room.

"Ta-daaa! Check it out! It's Dogi☆Maji☆Memorium! Or just Dogi Maji for short!" Mammon shows me the game. "So, here's the deal: In this game, anyone who registers to play is actually pulled into the game world for real. So your're really in there!"

"Wow, at first I thought your idea'd be very dangerous and all, but're fricking genius! They have to cooperate to win the game! And I've always wanted to be in the game in real life!"

"I know, oh, there is one more thing: If you die in the game, you die for real!" ... "And you have to win, because if you don't, you'll never be able to leave the game world!"

"You as always..."

"Hey, Mammon! Would you please get your dirty hands OFF of my game? That JUST arrived from Akuzon today! It's still new and pristine!" Levi grabs the game from Mammon's hands. "Also, I have to say, I think the whole idea of trying to get Satan and Lucifer to make up is pretty crazy to begin with. Still though, I don't understand. What does that have to do with Dogi Maji?"

"Pff, you really don't get it, do ya? Well, think about it for a sec... If I register them in the game client, they'll be pulled inside the game world, right? Since this is Satan and Lucifer we're talkin' about, at first they'll be moanin' and groanin' about it...but here's the thing: like I said before, you've gotta win the game before you can leave the game world. As Ferry said, they'll have to work together toward a common goal. They may hate each other, but that'll force 'em to bond some, ya see... it just me, or am I a for-real genius?! I'm pretty sure I am!" There it is again. He smirks in my body too stupidly cute...

"Huh, you really think it'll go that well? I dunno..."

"Let's try it, then regret trying it."

"Yeah, he's right. We'll never know if we don't try." Mammon comes to Levi's PC. " So...all right! Now that that's settled, it's time to register the two of them here in the game client! ...Wait. Uh, how does this work?"

"Ugh, FINE, let me take over. You'll never figure it out on your own." Levi sits down at the PC. "Let's see...'Lucifer' and 'Satan'... There, I've entered their names. They're registered. *sigh* ...Understand just how badly I've been wanting to play this game, you cannot! Finally time, it is...! I'll enter my name here... 'Leviachan'. Okay, done."

"Then I gotta go sleep." I'm about to go to the door.

"...Now I'll just add 'Ferikun' as well... There, registered and all set."

"Hm...?" "WHAT? Whoa...HOLD ON! Ferry, are you really gonna play, too?"

"Of course not! I don't even know the genre of the game! If it's a horror? Or a battle royale? Or a shooter?! I'm bad at shooters!"

"Aww, whacha talkin' about? 'Course yer gonna play. Yer the one who dun said ya wanted t'get Satan and Lucifer t'make up, arencha?"

"...That was horrible. I can't even tell what kinda character you're tryin' to imitate anymore, Levi."

"Why're you talking like that? And does that make sense if I AM DEAD?!" He doesn't move... "...Ugh...if I die, I'll make you suffer, Leviathan, you won't see new episodes of animes ever again, I swear!"

"If he is playin', then so am I!"

"Whaaaat? Ugh, so you want to play too?"

"Hey! You don't gotta sound so upset about it! C'mon, let's go! Hurry up and register me!"

"Ugh...fine. If I really have to...'Stupidmammon'...and done."

"Hey! Why'd ya tack on stupid?! Leave that out!"

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