Vocaloid: Connection

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Ship: Miku and Flower (platonic)

TW: hospitals, police officers, mental hospitals, bandages, mentioned/referenced abuse

Everything in her mind slowed, every memory boiling down to that one moment. The moment her hand had first touched Flower's and they exchanged pleasantries. Their voice echoed in her head, their friendly voice that had gotten so dull over.. how many years had it been? Years of hurt, miscommunications, years of suffering and abuse that Miku couldn't do anything to help. All she could do was stand by and wait to pick up the pieces, tape them together haphazardly until they fell apart again. And thinking about it, she realized it hurt, it hurt as though a bomb had exploded in her stomach.

The detective stood in front of her, waiting for a response as she gave him a blank stare. "..Miss Hatsune? I understand you may be in shock, but these questions are important. The sooner you cooperate, the sooner I can leave you alone." He almost looked sympathetic, she thought.

"Ah.. I apologize, I'm.. I can answer your questions now. It's no problem." She got to her feet and followed the detective down the hall, into an empty room where only a table and two chairs sat. Detective Hiro sat down first, motioning for Miku to sit across from him, and pulled out his notepad again.

He asked, and she answered as best she could. Her name, her relationship to Flower, basic identifying questions. Miku would tap her fingers on the table, feeling sick to her stomach. Her overactive imagination didn't help the situation at all- she could see herself being handcuffed, forced into the police car, held in jail. She could see Flower lying limp on an operation table. Flower attacking the nurses who tried to help them out of pure terror. Flower, being dumped into a body bag and dragged away to the morgue. As if sensing her anxiety, the detective handed her a bottle of water.

"You aren't in any trouble that I know of, Miss Hatsune," he said quietly. An attempt to reassure her. "The nurses have told me that on top of Miss Flower's injuries, she has a number of concerning scars and other marks, consistent with long-term abuse. Do you know anything about these injuries?"

Taking another sip of the water, Miku tried her hardest to think of where to start. Did she know anything about that?! She knew enough to write an entire book on what had happened to them, and it wouldn't be enough to do justice. "Um-" She pulled the sleeves of her jacket over her hands, staring at the table. "I.. I don't know where to start.." she mumbled. Under her breath, but he would hear anyway. Slowly she managed to get the words out. Describing everything that happened in as much detail as she could get out without feeling even sicker. Detective Hiro said nothing but scribbled away in his notepad, almost as fast as Miku talked.

She answered every question as best she could, though with her lack of communication with Flower recently, she knew more about the past. (Far too much for her liking sometimes.)

Eventually he closed his notepad and clipped the pen back into his shirt pocket, standing up and pushing his chair in. "Thank you, Miss Hatsune. You may go." And he left without another word.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Miku sat by herself for a while, trying to regain her confidence and just.. come to terms with what happened. She didn't get up until she could walk without feeling nausea in every inch of her body. It felt like hours had passed since they'd arrived.

Flower was barely conscious when she did find them, stuck with an IV and shivering in the cold air that seemed to come with every hospital. If a nurse came by maybe she could ask for a blanket. They looked absolutely horrible and Miku could feel her stomach start to churn, sitting in the chair next to their bed and reaching to hold their hand.

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