Chapter Thirty

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Finally, the first ray of sunlight was peaking below the trees as morning finally presents itself. And just as it did, the roar of the generator gave its last run, sputtered, then died completely, causing all the spotlights to flicker off. There were a few brave creatures lingering, watching us as we quickly leave the landing.

But apparently, they weren't brave enough to attack as the sun starts to rise higher into the sky.

Once I land on the ground, I rush to Zared, who walks straight for me. My legs were killing me but if I didn't do this now, I was going to go berserk. I don't give him a chance to say anything as I threw myself right into his arms. I nearly knock him back with my sudden weight thrown at him. He instantly clutches me around my waist, pulling me into him as I bury my face in his neck, my nose and lips touching his bare skin.

Is it creepy if I want to inhale his scent until my lungs were completely filled with it?

"Jinsen?" He carefully asks as we just stand there, me not removing myself from him for the longest time.

He slowly pulls me back, the light of the morning finally showing his features to where I could see them clearly. He wore a look of understanding, and we didn't say a word as he gently caresses his fingers through my hair, pulling the strands back from my face.

"That was a close one, huh?" He whispers, not letting me go, his arms still tightly around my waist like he needed the contact.

"Too fucking close." My voice wobbled a bit showing just how much the incident had affected me.

He reaches down and captures my lips in a tender kiss. Closing my eyes I slump in his embrace, melting into the feeling that I was really starting to get addicted too. Putting more pressure into the kiss he opens up to me and I wrap my arms back around his neck, deepening it. I lost track of time and wasn't sure how long we just stood there tackling our tongues in almost a lazy way.


We both froze momentarily then quickly separated, turning to see Seth standing a few feet away looking flushed in the cheeks and averting his eyes from his embarrassment at catching us in an intimate state.

Heat rises to my own face as that embarrassment hits me too. Not exactly the best way to tell your friend of the development between us. Besides, no one knew Zared swung that way. I quickly look back to him wondering how he was taking the situation where he just got caught kissing another guy.

Surprisingly he didn't seem bothered at all. A little pink to his cheeks but he gave an aura of complete innocence as he walks over to Seth, linking our hands together. What did Seth think of all this? I wanted to ask him but was sort of afraid what his true feelings were on this matter.

Should I care? No, not really. But I do anyways.

Seth was one of my good friends, even though he drove me bonkers most of the time and was always high maintenance I still valued his friendship. I knew they accepted me being gay, but none of them had actually seen me being with a guy. Besides, this was Zared of all people. And most of them worshipped him.

"So, should this be kept a secret? How long has this being going on? You know what, it doesn't matter. I 'm dead tired and need sleep." He really did look worn out with dark circles under his eyes and the drooping lids, hell we all probably looked like that.

I was a bit surprised however that it didn't seem to bother him after all. Or maybe it was because our bodies and brains were turning to mush from the lack of sleep in nearly twenty-four hours.

We started walking back to the entrance and when we got to a point that we were about to meet with everyone else, I slip my hand from Zared's and took a step back from him. He frowns but doesn't say anything. Guilt spears through me but I wasn't sure how everyone else would take the news of our newfound relationship.

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