Chapter Forty-Nine

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We lay there on the bed facing one another, still completely naked under the sheets. They previously had been dusty, but we shook, pounded, and whipped them really good before we placed them back on the bed to use. Zared had packed some candles, so the room had a nice warm golden glow about it.

I feel the trickle of his seamen still spilling out of me. I tried my best to get as much out as possible, but it seems more just kept falling out. It was the first time that I've done it without a condom, and I even had some packed away in my pack. But it never crossed my mind to use them with him.

What was the point of grabbing the test kits if we were just going to end up fucking bare anyways? I guess late was better than never. I don't think either one of us thought to strap it on. Guess we were getting quite comfortable with one another. Then again, its highly most likely we'll die in this place, so what was the point anyways?

That thought depressed the hell out of me. I didn't want to die, and I didn't want him to die. Not when we finally came together like this. His eyes start to droop as I watch him. Today...was hard for me. I almost lost him today. My state of mind was frantic and desperate. I couldn't fully think straight, and it made me realize that I really couldn't function without him here with me.

When those men held him down, beating on him, I never felt so powerless or fear-stricken in my life. My eyes start to swell a little with tears as my heart clenches tightly in my chest remembering the events of today.

"Hey, what are you thinking to have a look like that?" He whispers, frowning as he sees the tears pooling on my lashes.

"I almost lost you today." I truthfully told him.

His features somber as he reaches a hand to caress my cheek. "I almost lost you too."

"If it hadn't been for Lacy showing up when she did..." I let the words fall as my throat chokes up with the emotion of losing him.

"But she did, that's what matters. Next time we'll think smarter. Our emotions get the best of us when it concerns one another."

"You made me leave you behind, Zared. I was so pissed at you." I accused, trying to get my feelings under control.

"It wasn't intentional. It just happened that way. I couldn't let them see you guys." He defends.

"Don't ever do it again. I would rather risk my life with you, than risk it without you."

"So bossy." He grins, slipping his hand to the back of my neck, pulling me close to him.

Leaning in, he hovers his lips over mine and whispers, "I promise I won't ever do that again." Then he presses his lips to mine to seal that promise.

Yet somehow, I felt like he was lying. I was beginning to know him to well. Zared would rather risk his own life to where I can keep mine. He would seriously protect me to his last dying breath. And that scares me more than anything in this godforsaken world.


I slept like shit.

My worry wouldn't go away, and the nightmares kept coming back every time I closed my eyes. When I jerked awake, sweat dripping down my body, my lungs gasping for breath, looking around wildly, I couldn't calm down until Zared wrapped me in his arms whispering to me that everything was alright.

We eventually got dressed and I was thankful that we did since Lacy took it upon herself to knock once and burst through the door. I was already awake and apparently so was Zared as he pops his eyes opened, not looking the least groggy from being suddenly woken up.

We both sit up as she says, "Need you two to take over the watch. Me and Lani needs some winks." She looked exhausted.

I quickly get out of bed, just as Zared was already meeting on my side. "How many hours has it been?" He asks quietly as we pile back out into the common area.

I didn't see anyone else around other than Lani, who was sitting in one of the chairs staring at the fire that was burning in the fireplace.

"I'm thinking it's probably around four in the morning. It's actually hard to tell when we don't have a clock or the sun to tell us."

She calls for Lani to follow and goes to turn away when I catch her arm. She turns back with a frown. "Are you okay?" I whisper where only she heard me.

Her frown disappears, understanding my meaning. She killed a person and blew off their face. She had to have felt something about that, right? Anybody in their right mind would be traumatized by something like that.

"I'll be alright Jinsen. The way I see it, that person wasn't human. He was a monster just like them. I have no remorse for what I did. Not after seeing what they did to those innocent people."

I let her go and nod my head. "For what its worth. Thank you. You saved our asses back there."

She shrugs. "What can I say? They were messing with my people."

With that she heads into the same room Lani disappeared into and shuts the door. I turn around to see Zared waiting for me, the glow of the fire making him more handsome than he had any right to be. He looked better with clean clothes and a shaved face. I know I felt better. Not caring for the white and navy blue striped collard long sleeve shirt I was wearing, at least the material was comfy and kept me warm.

Zared wore a light grey long sleeve thermal. It was a bit tight in my opinion because his muscles were showing damn it, making him look hot as fuck. I always did admire his physique and that was something I never would have admitted until now. And it made me sublimely happy to know that he was all mine.

He holds out his hand for me to grab. Once my palm was face down in his he pulls me to one of the chairs making me sit right on his lap. Thankfully it was big enough for the two of us, otherwise this would be damn near uncomfortable.

He wraps his arms around my waist, leaning his chin on my shoulder as we both stare at the fire. The early morning was quiet, no other sound could be heard other than the crackling of the wood in the hearth. It was cozy and warm. It would have been almost perfect if it wasn't for the flesh eating creatures waiting for us outside.

I wonder if Jacob, Violet, and Rissa made it back to the hotel alright. Rissa wasn't looking so good and if we didn't hurry with the medical supplies she could die. I knew time was racing against us, but we also weren't expecting other humans to be hunting and killing us as well.

I hope they didn't have any complications.

We sat there silently for what seemed like at least another twenty minutes. As much as I loved sitting on him, I knew his legs had gone numb by now. So, I sit on the ground in between them while he started grazing his fingers in my hair practically lulling me to sleep.

A sudden rattling behind us made us both jerk at the sound and look around. But it was Matty coming out from one of the bedrooms. I sighed with relief just to get anxiety thrusted onto me as he came closer to us with a frown. It was just us three alone and I still wasn't sure I was ready to face the music.

But what comes out of his mouth wasn't what I was expecting at first. "I think...there might be something wrong with that little boy."

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