Chapter Eighty Eight

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*Third Party*

A bright purple light flashes in the distance as she starts to make a run for it. Tears falling down her face she sobs listening to the sounds of screams filled with terror behind her. She didn't know what was going on. All she did know was that horrible things were attacking them. Creatures who had been waiting when her and a group of people she didn't know suddenly showed up in the forest out of nowhere.

She had been camping with her fellow schoolmates for her sixth grade trip. She remembered them all having a fun time by the burning fire making smores and signing camp songs while the teachers and chaperones were getting them settled down for their first night.

She remembered falling asleep in the cabin filled with six other girls. Then she was suddenly woken up by a loud thundering noise. Not sure what was happening as the others were looking out the window she felt an ominous feeling in the air.

Then the window shatters and something crashes in instantly killing one of the girls. Screams rent the air as she scrambles to get the hell out of there as more of them came crashing in attacking everyone else. It was too dark to see exactly what they were but the growls, the stench, and the blood was enough to get her running through the forest along with so many others.

Fear fueled her to keep moving, the crunching sounds of other feet and the horrifying sounds of torn tree barks filled her ears escalating her adrenaline harder, faster.

"Run! Keep running! Don't stop, don't look ba-arrghhh!"

The man's voice was ripped from him and a sob broke free from her throat. Everything was becoming a blur, and she wasn't sure where she was going or who was left alive. She trips over a fallen branch and nearly falls to the ground, but someone quickly picks her up and pushes her to keeping moving.

She wasn't sure how long they all kept running. But it felt like hours to her. Her side started to hurt, and she was beginning to slow down. Her throat burned and her eyes felt hot from the tears and wind. All she knew in that moment was how much she wished she was at home. How much she never should have came to this stupid camping trip.

Not able to go on she came to a stop, her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Looking around, the moonbeam giving her some light she realizes she was all alone. The screams sounded far away, and the pounding footfalls were gone. She no longer heard the growls, or the shear of flesh being torn apart.

Whimpering she enclosed herself on the ground not knowing what to do or where to go. Tears stream down her face as she prayed someone would come save her. But as she squats there in that spot she stays alone for a long time. Hiding under a fallen tree she curls up into a ball and tries her best to stay quiet.

She didn't know what happened to her friends, her teachers, the parents that came along with them. She felt completely alone in the world. She tries her best to stay awake but as the night progresses exhaustion overcame her and she closed her eyes.

Low growls wakes her up in an instant. Gasping in her fear she quickly looks around to find nothing. It was still dark, still nighttime. Sounds of crunching leaves and broken twigs starts to get closer and she buries herself deeper under the fallen tree.

"What the fuck were those things and where the hell did they come from?" A man whispers with fright.

Relief overflows her as she sees it was one of the councilors from camp along with a teacher and two other sixth graders. Sniffling she pulls herself from underneath nearly freaking the others out from the thrashing noise to stand back up.

"It's another one of the students." The teacher cries out as she reaches her and pulls her into a hug. "It's alright, you're safe with us now."

"We need to keep movi-" Suddenly the man's head gets severed clean off his body from something long and sharp causing all of the them to be frozen where they stood, watching his body slowly fall to the ground.

Not comprehending what just happened a low growl sounds followed by a sudden leap from the trees as a giant monster jumps on the man and starts tearing into him. The young girl screams at the horror before them right before another creature snatches one of the boys from the ground and straight into the trees. His muffled screams goes silent as a loud break of bones could be heard.

"Holy fuck! Run!" The teacher yells pushing the girl to get moving just as a sudden burst of screams caught up to them and not a moment later people came rushing through desperately trying to get away. But these people weren't from the campground. No, they came from somewhere else.

Now she was running for her life a second time with a group that was getting killed off one by one as all kinds of different creatures and monsters came out of nowhere, feasting on them. She didn't know why she was still running, why she was trying to get away when she knew she wasn't going to make it out of this alive.

She couldn't run forever. It was only a matter of time before one of them caught up and swallowed her whole. They all burst through a clearing where the full moon shone down displaying all the horror for them to see. There were so many of them. And not enough of them. Turning around two of the monsters were just moments away from getting to her. She wasn't going to make it. She was going to die here on this mountain in this glade of night flowers that were blooming in the moonlight.

Sobbing out she pushes harder only to twist her ankle and hit the rocky ground hard causing sharp massive pain to shoot through her kneecap straight through to her leg. Crying out she tries to get back up but buckles instead. Looking behind her they were no less than ten feet away now. Looking away she clenches her body tight waiting for the teeth to encase her body when she jerks at sudden feet in front of her face.

They just stood there not moving. Slowly lifting her gaze the feet became black fitted skinny jeans to a torso wearing a leather jacket to a hooded face that she couldn't see. The person stared right over her head, and it was like in slow motion she watches transfixed as he reaches behind him taking an arrow from his back and raising it to the bow that was in his other hand.

Positioning it to shoot she notices something bulgy at the tip then he lets the arrow fly. As he does the air whooshing pass him causes his hood to fall back revealing the most handsome face she had ever seen in her young life. He doesn't look away from where he shoots too, a face completely void of any emotion of any kind.

Then a sudden blast of light as bright as the sun flashes all around them and the cries and screams from the pain of the creatures sounded horrific in her ears followed by a dust of glowing red embers drifting in the air all around them.

All goes silent. All goes still.

He then looks down to her, still no emotions being displayed. He doesn't say a word, doesn't offer a hand to help her up. He looks away and leaves her lying there on the ground and heads to where all the monsters were chasing them. Following him with her eyes they widen as dark burnt spots were scattered all around, people hunched down as the embers rain down in a giant cloud of ash.

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