Chapter Seventy Eight

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Slowly leaving the bunker we're hesitant from stepping off the last step of the stairs to the backyard. That thing that could venture out in the day was freaking us both out and I really wished that Alex had stayed with us instead of leaving. He knew more about these things than either of us did, even if it was barely anything at all.

I scan the area to find nothing. It was eerily quiet, but it's always been like this since the first day. It wasn't something unusual, which was a curse to be honest. I would rather it be chaotic than have this complete silence. A bird chirping, a squirrel scurrying up a tree, a dog's bark, hell even the sound of buzzing flies would be better than the silence that was always present here.

I take the first step out into the sunlight and onto the grass. I stand there and wait but nothing still happens. Looking over to Kyle, I nod my head. We decided it was best to keep quiet just in case. He follows me as we start briskly walking in the direction the others had gone off too. I was always on my guard, always checking our surroundings.

So far, so good.

We walk for a good hour before we came to our first obstacle. I slow down to a stop staring ahead. Kyle stops next to me as he looks at the view in front of us. We were on a main street or what used to be one anyways. The place was so overgrown with vines, bushes, and trees it almost looked like something out of a horrible fairytale.

It was safe to say that the place was getting worse by the day. The problem was there were too many shadows for the creatures to lurk in. But we didn't have a choice if we were going to try and find the others.

"Be cautious. Don't run off and try to stay in the sun as much as possible." I whisper to him, waiting for him to give me a nod of his understanding.

Taking another step the beat up road reminds me of that one scene from the movie The Labyrinth where Sarah first enters the gates and continuously runs on and on. There were grass patches and dead branches and twigs everywhere. The place was damp of moss and dirt. It was like stepping into a completely different world altogether.

The buildings were covered in vines, windows broken out, trees growing and twisting inside of them. Cars were half raised as thick trunks infused with them.

"Whoa, take a look at that." Kyle whispers in awe.

We came around a bend in the road and stop in our tracks and stare. It wasn't like anything I've ever seen before. It was a massive, twisted tree or what I assume was a tree. At first glance that's what it looked like but staring at it closely I see it wasn't a tree at all.

"Why does that look like it was manmade?" He asks as we start walking again.

"Or monster made." I supply, can't seeming to look away.

"That's...not reassuring." He mumbles.

"None of this is."

It was a twisted tower of wooden boards and slabs that were hazardously put together. It started out small then got thicker the higher up it went. How they were able to stay sturdy like that was beyond me and at the top were branches covered in leaves like a tree would be. But it was twisted and intwined with the power lines of the street.

What the purpose of the thing was, I couldn't say. It didn't look like a fortress, nor did it seem to hold any purpose whatsoever. It was like someone got bored. We slowly walk past it, afraid that something might pop out, but there were so many holes and openings it was impossible for anything to really hide in it.

"Do you think Alex came this way?" Kyle asks not looking away from the thing.

Looking around, there were still nothing amiss. "Maybe, hopefully."

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