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Alux awoke slowly. His head buzzing from all that had happened. He jumped when he saw the red and black patterned floor. The walls were tall and made of black bricks with active fires as the only light. Alux walked into the strange hallway looking for an exit. Soon, he seems to have walked towards a massive demon like creature, pure black with glowing red eyes.

Alux: Who-who are you?
Great One: I am The Great One, and I am the one who brought you here.
Alux: Why?
Great One: You and I, we have a common enemy.
Alux: Petro?

The Great One laughs a menacing chuckle. The whole room seems to shake.

Great One: Haha, no. I'm talking about The Dark Angel. While I have no reason to dwell in your world, she causes a problem with my plans.
Alux: So, what does that have to do with me?
Great One: I need a favor from you.
Alux: What is it?
Great One: Destroy the Dark Angel, and I shall give you the power to avenge yourself.

Alux thought for a moment. Does he really want to take this strange creature's offer. Then the memory of what happened earlier rushed to him. The pain of the backstab, both physical and mental, came to him. All the anger, sadness, fear, betrayal, and heartache was relived. Alux decided he was not going to stand by and let Petro win.

Alux: It's a deal.

The Great One smiled and evil smile.

Great One: Great. Now,

The Great One then shrunk down to Alux's size. He walked towards him and held out his hand.

Great One: Let's make this deal.

Alux looked at The Great One's hand. He then grabbed it and they shook hands. Immediately, darkness spread onto Alux. The darkness wrapped itself around Alux's arms, looking like his veins were darkness.

Great One: I have given you the power of darkness. With this, you shall destroy the Daek Angel.
Alux: Could I, ask you a question?
Great One: What?
Alux: Why me? Why save me?

The Great One looked at him, and laughed.

Great One: Because you were the one whose live was on the line.

Before Alux could respond, lightning surrounded him. The last thing Alux saw before passing out was The Great One smirking.

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