Our mistake

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I'm sorry I haven't updated for a long time. I somehow broke my laptop, so I bought another one yesterday. Thanks for waiting!

Bucks pov

The cookies didn't take long to make, so they were ready in about half an hour. While I took out the cookies, Bobby worked on the dish while Hen made the salad. Every now and then Eddie would enter the kitchen to 'try' what Bobby had done up to that point. "Wow Buck they look great." I turned and saw Hen. "I just need to decorate them." I wiped my hands as I laughed. "Diaz, Buck needs help!" I heard Bobby call Eddie. "Cap, I don't need help." I started to get nervous. "Of course you need help." at that moment Eddie went into the kitchen and washed his hands. "What do I need?" he turned and asked Bobby. "Ask Buck." Bobby said pointing at me. "I don't need help." I said continuing to decorate the cookies. "Buck has at least 50 cookies and you still have to hand out sweets, that's why Eddie will decorate the rest, because the kids are coming in 1 hour" said Bobby putting the turkey in the oven. "Just let me help." I sighed and showed him what to do. We were done in less than an hour, so I decided to rest a bit. I still had 10 minutes from the beginning of the children's invasion. The kids are supposed to arrive around 5 so I headed downstairs because I saw a couple of kids waiting. "Everybody eats one candy." I said with a smile. "Who are you supposed to be?" I looked down and saw a little boy. "Umm nobody?" I said, "I'm a fireman." the children started laughing. "How come you don't put out the fire?" I was too nervous. "Take the candy and move on." from the side I saw Eddie looking at me. A woman arrived with three children. Let's just say that the woman did not look like a person in the literal sense. She looked like living plastic. "Take what you want and let's go." the children started taking more than allowed. "Hey, one of each." The woman looked at me as if I had killed her family. "I'm sorry?" I looked at her and spoke again. "Ma'am, it clearly says one of each, so all the children have enough." and that's where the fun started. "Name." I was confused. "Pardon?" she looked at me, "I will sue you, give me your name." I just laughed, "Ma'am, for what?" she sighed. "My husband is a lawyer." at that moment I was terribly confused, "And??" I asked while the other children waited. Before she said the anything, I spoke. "Please just get out of here." she looked me up and down and just pulled her children with her. 'wow'. After two hours, there were no more sweets. It was almost seven when we started to clean up and the families were arriving. Maddie came at 7 after we cleaned the boxes. I climbed up and my heart stopped. Chris. "Buck, Buckyyy!!!" I looked over at Eddie and he nodded. "Superman!" so we both hugged each other. "We missed you Buck." I was confused. "We?" I asked him confused. "Yes, me and dad." I looked towards Eddie who immediately looked away. "Me too." I was talking to Chris until I heard familiar voices. Mom and dad. I heard them talking to Maddie until they got close to me. "Buck.." I heard my mom and I stood up, "Mom, dad this is Chris and this is his father Eddie." looked into their eyes and could see pure anger. "We're Buck's parents." Eddie smiled and said hi to them. "Eddie Diaz and my son Christopher." they just nodded. And sat down at the table. "Ok everyone to the table." I heard Bobby calling everyone. Everyone from the team and their families were sitting at the table. I sat at the end of the table, my parents on the left, Meddie on the right. Chris and Eddie sat next to me before my parents on the left. Chris was close to me.

"So, how's it going in Pennsylvania?" asked Chim to start a conversation. "Good." Dad said shortly. After that, Bobby intervened and started the conversation. They talked for a long time.

"Maddie was a beautiful child, a very pretty and sweet little girl too." dad said, it's the first time I've heard such words from him. "I'm glad you chose the right husband this time." mom said, adding on. Everyone was uncomfortable at that moment, I wanted to say something, but Chim already said something.

And we just kept talking like nothing happened.

"What was Buck like?" Bobby asked, everyone looked towards my parents. "We should have raised him better." said mom, looking at me. Everyone shut up at that moment. "What do you mean?" I asked breaking the silence. "You were causing problems all the time, I couldn't take it anymore so that's-." I just laughed. "That's why you left me?" I asked them looking at them. "We never left you-" I cut her off, "No, huh?!" I raised my voice, I knew that dad would be mad and yell, but I didn't care.

"Evan!" my dad yelled my name. "What!?" I stopped for a moment and continued talking, "It's true, you were never there for me, you drove me to the hospital several times, but only so that the neighbors wouldn't look at you differently and strangely." everyone stared at me. "Of course, we didn't want the neighbors to think we have a son who doesn't get enough attention!" my mom was angry. "After Daniel, everyone looked at us like crazy ones!" I was confused there. "Who is Daniel?" when I asked all three of them froze as they had seen a ghost, even Chim. "It doesn't matter now, we're talking about your selfishness right now." my dad said. "Me, selfish?" I laughed at that. "You are selfish idiots!" tears were running down my cheeks. "You never asked how I was, how I was doing in LA, I never felt good enough for you two." dad interrupted me, "Because you never tried!" that pissed me off. "Ohh I tried too hard a little too hard, just to please you!" with that, me and dad stood. I started to leave, but dad started talking again. "Just leave us, we never even wanted you, if it wasn't for Daniel, we wouldn't even have you!" I stopped there. "Who the fuck is that Daniel!?" I turned to my dad and looked at Maddie. "Our brother, Buck!" we had a brother? I stood in shook. "How?" I looked at her palely. "Leukemia, he was 9 when he died." my brain processed every word that my father told me and my mother said. I tried to form a sentence. "We moved away because our brother died," I sounded confused, "not only that but you lied to me about it for this long!" I continued trying to calm down, "you used me like- like-" dad interrupted me "You couldn't save him! so why would I considered you as my son??" Everyone was looking at the two of us. "You were our mistake from the beginning!"

I looked at every person present at the table, everyone was looking at us. I know I scared all the kids, but I had to prove something to my parents. They must know that I have changed.

"Shut up for God's sake!"

I shouted, I was lost. I know that I wanted to say something to them, but the words did not come out of my mouth. "You're acting like a little girl," Dad tried to say, "I told you to behave worthy of your role and you didn't listen to me." Dad was still talking but I was losing control of my emotions. In the background I can see Carla taking Chris down the stairs with her, he had tears in his eyes. I looked towards everyone, they looked worried. At that moment I did not hear anyone's words, at that moment I felt a strong blow and a strong pain. I was conscious but in pain. "Fuck.."

that's all I managed to say.

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