Another Ancient Rivalry, Angel and...Mother?

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"Not bad..." Naruto said as he nodded at the result of his jutsu or more like, Madara's  jutsu that he stole and improvised. From the impact alone, it cleaned up every mountain range nearby the old satan faction and turned them into a plain lanf. He even made a small oasis full of greens in the middle of it.

"YOU OVERDID IT, IDIOT!" shouted the silver-haired maid before bonking her master on his head.

"Fweh? But...didn't you say to give the biggest I have?"



"...shit. I did tell you that huh..."

"Yup! So you should blame yourself for that!" the ninja grinned at the exasperated Bijū.

Luminous gritted her teeth in silence before huffing.

"So, what was the message for?"

"Oh? That one? I was teasing the maid." Naruto chuckled. "She looked too serious for my liking and I couldn't help but tease her a bit." the blond ended with a grin.

Luminous deadpanned at her host.

"What?" Naruto couldn't help but took a step back when he saw his maid staring at him like that.

Then without warning Luminous jumped at him before claiming his lips with her own. She snatched her master's tongue with her own before french kissing him.

When they separated, with Naruto still dumbfounded at what just happened, Luminous gave him a smirk before returning to his body and dispelling Naruto's clone. The result was immediate since he got the memories of his clone kissing him furiously. Naruto's face turned green before throwing up in an empty space in his dimension.

"Oh God! Hahaha, you should look at your face in the mirror!"

"...dammit... that's gonna scar me for life... doing it with myself although it was you when we're doing it..."

Naruto wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"What was that for anyway?"

Luminous huffed with a pout. "I told you that I'll be your first right? Except your first true kiss was with that Uchiha though." The bijū snickered at her host who was turning green again.


Years passed and they saw the devils were starting to rebuild themselves with the new four Satan from the new faction. They named themselves Sirzechs Lucifer, Ajuka Beelzebub, Serafall Leviathan and Falbium Asmodeus. They also saw the devil maid from before who was now serving the new Lucifer as his maid and also his Queen in the Maou's peerage. A system created by Satan Beelzebub that was based on chess.

"Interesting..." Luminous commented as they watched some of high class devils reincarnating different races as their servants.

"I think it's disgusting... forcing their lives into servitude without giving them any choice and having them serve the King..." Naruto said with disgust in his voice when he heard that this worked on a dying human or youkai.

"True... this reminded me a lot of Madara when he took control of me and then I got sealed in Mito."

Naruto then put an arm around her shoulder to soothe the bijū.

"Should we observe humanity now? The devils are free from their civil war, hopefully there won't be any war among them anymore."


"Before that..." Naruto changed the view from inside his dimension to the Beelzebub's research room. "I'm gonna steal one of those chess pieces and modify them for our uses."

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