The Lost Daughter (Interlude)

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This story is somewhat revived, somewhat! :P

It's almost a year since I've updated this one, but you have to understand since we're getting close to the end with this interlude chapter.

My first story in Wattpad started in April, 2023.

Anyway! This starts soon after the clone found Diodora!

Short, but this is important!

Hey, better than no chapter, right?



Everything had a beginning.

And that included the Apocalypse itself.

Many years had passed since it was sealed by the blasted thing called God.

A puny God that by luck managed to catch it off-guard and sealed it at the End of the World.

That God made one mistake when he sealed it though.

He didn't fully seal its consciousness.

It could briefly see and feel what was happening on the planet.

And currently, it could see, feel and hear the 5 beings in front of its seal.

One who unconscious was one of the foul races it massacred years ago, the other two were its kin born from the same place and the final two were extremely familiar to him.

The last two had the same feeling as its birthplace.

A golden-haired man with whisker-like birthmarks on his cheeks and a platinum-color hair woman stood side by side in the middle of its kin.


It heard the male's voice and to its confusion, the voice soothe the rage inside it.

The rage accumulated by the need of revenge against the race belonged to the one that sealed it.




That was an unfamiliar word for it.

Why was its kin calling the male that?

It heard them exchanging small talks before the female's reply answered its question.

"Simple, they' the gap...our children..."

Born in the gap.

Makes them our children.

"Hn, family."

Another of its kin followed up.

A family.

Were they its family?

Another unfamiliar word.

But somehow, it liked the ring of it.

It saw the four beings in front of its seal laughing though the black-haired one had an impassive look on her face.

Was that how family should act?

And was their purpose coming here to free it from this blasted seal?

It didn't need to wait long to find its answer.

It felt something that made its knees buckle.

Anger surged from the male, papa, before he calmed itself.

"Well! If Trihexa is our child, then we need to break the seal! After all, a family doesn't leave anyone behind!"

"Do...think it...another girl?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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