A Sister, ex-Fallens & The Truth behind the Genesis

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It was later in the afternoon, and the store had opened a little earlier because Naruto didn't have school today. He was being extra cautious, however, because the policeman who had forced him to attend to school may show up for lunch.

His Fallen buddies arrived as usual, but this time they were accompanied by a short blonde girl dressed as a nun. 

He saw the four of his friends were a little too serious for his comfort, which meant that this was either related to the nun they brought with them or that they wanted to tell something to him

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He saw the four of his friends were a little too serious for his comfort, which meant that this was either related to the nun they brought with them or that they wanted to tell something to him.

"We need to talk." Dohnaseek addressed the blond earnestly. The Fallens chose to show themselves to Naruto in order to avoid giving the blond the impression that they intended to harm him because he had likely heard about them from the devils.

Naruto nodded before having one of his transformed clones to take over the stove for a while and the six of them went up to the second floor where the guests saw Lilith playing PS5 on a 80" UHD TV while Ophis was reading a book with an earmuff to block any noises the TV made in the corner of the room where there were small racks of books and Rimu devouring the mountain of foods which kept summoning themselves when they're almost out while watching Lilith played Devil May Cry 5.

The guests turned to Naruto as if asking for an explanation. They found a sheepish look on the blond's face as Naruto rubbed the back of his head.

"I also have something to tell the four of you." He remarked nervously from the look the Fallens threw at him.

Then a small table and seats for 6 came out of nothing surprising the Fallens and the nun.

"Please, sit down."

His guests did so and drinks and beverages abruptly came in front of them.

"I'll start since I felt guilty for not telling you guys first and the devils found out about me." Naruto started with a small sigh.

That got the Fallens attention immediately, including the nun who looked confused.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, a human that existed before God came to exist and had lived for a very long time." The blond started carefully, not wanting to tell them that God could come back to life. "I killed Gods who tried to take over Earth back in my time which had gone for a very long time."


"Smokin' Sick Style!" came a voice from the game.

"Dammit, Lilith! Turn down the volume a bit! You're making me look like I'm telling a joke!"

The devil did so.

Naruto returned his attention to the Fallens, who were stunned by his confession.

"I knew about Devils, Angels, and Fallens for a very long time, I'm not with any of them and you could say that I'm a neutral faction in this matter."

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