TJI 7: Love At First Sight [2] ♡

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Dedicated to TheFabulousFairy cause she's amazing! SHOWER HER IN FOLLOWS!

Remember to comment ':)' so I know you want me to continue 'Love at first sight'.

Please excuse any punctuation or tense I may have used incorrectly :))

~ Meh


" No." Your best friend, (insert the name here), says simply.

"Yes." You say grinning stupidly back at your friend.

"No, I will not believe it."

"Well, whether you want to or not it's true." You reply.

The very thought of the amazing, wonderful, incredible, fabulous (et cetera) Theo James brings a grin to your face.

"Okay, well, you're smiling maniacally right now, so I guess I'll believe it." They laughed.

You sighed happily.

"What if he wants to be friends?! OR EVEN BETTER: acquaintances!" You cry with joy.

Your friend gives you a funny expression. "You do know that acquaintance comes before friends right?"

"Oh, yeah. I can't think . . ."

"I know, because Theo James is on your mind again isn't he?"

"Yep." You say dreamily.

"Well, it's getting late. Thanks for coming over y/n."

"Anytime." You say thoughtfully, gathering your stuff together.

* Page Break - Next Morning *

You wake up to your phone blaring it's ringtone, notifying that someone is ringing you at the excruciatingly painful time of 5:00 am.

You rub the remnants of sleep from your eyes and sit up.

"Hello?" You say groggily, yawning.

"Did I wake you up?" A recognisable voice sounds.

"Well, I'm not exactly awake at five each morning."

The person chuckled at your sleepy comment. Then memories from the previous day hit you hard.

You cover the microphone and sequeal.

"THEO!" You say after about thirty seconds of full on squealing.

"Yeah?" You could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Nothing . . . I just– What did you want?" You slapped yourself mentally for saying weird stuff.

"Just wanted to see how you are. Especially after last night. Did you get home okay?" He asked.

He cares. He cares about you. You sigh happily and stare into space while thinking about this wonderful guy.

"Y/n?" His lovely voice pulled you back to reality.

"Sorry, yes?"

"I said, do you want to go to the movies tonight?"

You froze in place. Theo James wants to take you out. The Theo James wants to take you out!

"Of course!" You say remembering that he was waiting for an answer.

"See you there!" He said before you hung up and flung back onto the bed enthusiastically.

* Page Break - One hour before going to meet Theo *

You throw on your new favourite top and jeans.

I look too casual. I'm going out with a celebrity, you think as you gaze at yourself in the mirror.

You then applied a light face of make up and threw your hair into a messy bun.

You rethink your outfit and peer into your closet.

I have to stop trying to change myself for a guy! He'll need to accept me the way I am. Even if it is Theo. You think again.

Grabbing your coat and keys, you scramble into your average looking car.

There's nothing too special about me.

You drive down to the cinema where Theo said he would be at the entrance.
You were hoping he would've picked you up, but he informed you that he needed to go somewhere before going to the movies and that there would've been no time to pick you up unless you wanted to miss the movie. You reluctantly agreed.

You pull the car into an empty car spot right next to the cinema.

Then you scan the entrance looking for Theo, but he's not there yet.
You make some final touches to your appearance and exit the car.

You walk to the entrance and wait . . . And wait . . . And wait.
You check the time using your phone. It insists its 6:26.

We've already missed the start of the movie!

Then you start thinking horrible thoughts.

What if he doesn't come?!

What if he secretly hates me?!

What if he tricked me?!

As seven thirty rolled past, some car lights stood suddenly in front of you. They temporarily blind you. When the light dies down, you turn to see who it is.
It's Theo.
Anger bubbled inside of you.

"Where have you been?! I've been waiting in this rain for over a hour! How dare you leave me here! The stupid movie only has five minutes to go!"

"I'm so sorry! I had to do something."

"Why couldn't you have told me that you couldn't make it?!"

"I don't know. I thought I would make it."

"Well you didn't!"

With those words hanging in the air like a bad smell, you stomped of to your car.

I knew he was too good to be true!


How are you lovelies?

Next Update: 21st of June!

~ Meh

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