TJI 31: We're Off To See The Wizard [2] ♡

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At long last, the road trip was finished. Luckily for you, you were one of the first people to get off, to avoid the annoying teacher. You got my suitcase and packed your earphones away. But when you realised they were going to start telling the students about the camp, you didn't bother and plugged them back in. You had already read the note, under supervision of your mum, obviously. The camp was going to be ten days long. You were going to share a room with four others. Another school would be joining you. You were going to do activities.

They called up students one by one, telling them their room number. They grabbed their stuff and head off. You watched them until you saw the teacher mouth your name. You took out your earphones and stuff them and your phone into your pocket. Jumping up to fetch your room number, you heard whispering. Everyone must've been surprised that you even came, since you never come on these camps. You were alone as well, your friends somehow got out of going. After finding out that your room number was 58, you pulled your things with you to your room.

When you got there, the lights were already on. Looks like one of your room mates were already here. You walked in and chose a bed in the far corner next to the window. You shove your stuff underneath and go to the bathroom to wash your face and wake up. But apparently the bathroom was busy.

You came face to face with a guy you didn't know. Well, face to back, since his back was to you. When he heard your muffle of a scream, he spun around, his toothbrush flying away in the process. To your disgust, the toothbrush hit you right in the cheek, causing some of his saliva and minty toothpaste to stick there. Yo hair at it, hoping to get rid of it. Once you are satisfied with your work, you look up at him. He looked unfamiliar, but at the same time, woah.

He definitely looked like he should've been in a model camp, not a school one.

"Hi, I'm Theodore, but you can call me Theo." he stuck his hand out. "Sorry for the toothbrush by the way." He added sheepishly.

You took his hand. "It's okay. My name is y/n."

"Nice name."


"So what do you think about this camp?"

"Ugh, I hate it." You say honestly.

"I sort of do as well. I'm kind of glad to have a break, you know?"

"True, but I'd rather a break that's at like Fiji or something. Not a school camp with activities that include kayaking only."

He nodded his head in agreement. You decided that you should go back into the room, so you did. Probably to avoid the awkwardness. Or to avoid the hotness. Either one.

The door opened and in walked some girl you didn't know. She was pretty and seemed kind, as she smiled at you.

"Hey. You must be y/n. I'm Tori." She shook your hand and went in the bathroom to probably greet Theo.

Wait. Greet, him? Did they know each other? It seemed like it. They came out holding hands, you avert your eyes awkwardly.

The door opened once again and in walked twins. Two boys. They grinned their boyish grins at you and each shook your hand. What's with the shaking of hands?

"Sup, I'm Uriah. This is Zeke." One of them, Uriah, pointed to his twin.

"Hey, I'm y/n." You smile at both of them.

This was it. The four other people were, Theo, Tori, Uriah and Zeke.

You gulped. You had a bad feeling about this camp.

Votes: 10

Heaps of drama for this imagine is coming up ;)

Please keep voting guys! (comment and fan even) it motivates me to write quicker! You guys voted FOURTEEN times last chapter! So that made me happy and updated ;)

If you fan me, I'll fan right back :))

~ Meh

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