Chapter 4 - First Mission

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Chapter 4 – First Mission

My God, what a horrible night! I knew taking care of a baby would be hard work, but I never imagined it would be so much. I looked at the child who was sleeping peacefully in the crib, it didn't look like she spent the night crying for the most diverse reasons.

Hunger, thirst, dirty diaper, attention, until finally the child fell asleep, unlike me, I got up from the cloth on top of a pile of straw that I called a bed, I left the crib a little farther away so that I wouldn't roll over on top of it while sleeping.

Looking around, I saw the child sleeping, better let her stay that way, looking around, I took a look at our "house", it was a small shack made of wood and metal on the outskirts of town, one room, four walls and a roof.

It was empty when I found it, and since I wasn't awakened in the middle of the night by an angry ork, I assumed the owner of the house had been devoured by Tyranids.

A small table in a corner and my "bed", the entrance was an old wooden door, well, better than nothing, at least it protects us from the rain, checking my equipment, my guns looked ok.

I'm sure I fired more bullets than should fit in the gun, better not question it, my power of imagination may fail.

I heard a noise next to me, looking at the crib, I saw that the child woke up, taking the crib in my hands, I greeted the baby.

"So how did you sleep?"

"Baby noises."

"Seriously? I'm glad you slept well, unlike me, a certain child didn't let me sleep."

The baby stared at me.

"Don't be disingenuous. Are you ready? Today we will do our first mission, I will choose something easy for us, I just hope we survive."

With my things packed, and the crib closed, I checked the teef in my pocket, ten teef, I need to get more, orks teef degrade fast, preventing orks from accumulating a fortune, so they have to spend their money soon, making the currency run and prevents inflation.

But I also need money to survive, pay for food and equipment, so I need a stable source of income, risking my life against Tyranids is the only option I have at the moment, but I need to find something different soon.

I left my house and headed towards the guild, upon reaching the building, I checked the missions on the board. Before I couldn't understand the ork language, but strangely it seemed clearer to me, it must be the ork instinct.

I found it! A Snot difficulty mission, finish off the rippers in the jungle, next to the river, is near Gork's Thumb. A reward of five teef for the completed quest, if I remember correctly, an intact ripper is worth half a teef each.

With a large map that was in the guild, I estimated where the rippers would be, I'll buy myself a map when I have more money.

I took the quest and gave it to Nozbad.

"I want this quest!" I tapped the paper on the counter.

Nozbad glanced at the paper. "At least ya're start'n wit' da easy ones, although rippaz kan be dangerous little fings. Haha! be kareful not ta become nid's lunch, 'der'll be noth'n left if dey katch yer."

With the end of Nozbad's sarcastic comment, I left the guild and prepared for the quest, there was another problem, Laenae. I can't fight holding her with one arm.

Hm! I hate to spend my teef but I have no choice, I went to the bazaar and bought some rope from one of the Grots, it cost a teef, with that done I tied Laenae's crib to my torso like a baby carrier.

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