chapter five

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                       Chapter five

              ⭐Featured song ⭐
                    Point of View
          (Zero venture, Cadence XYZ)

Author's POV:

"Don't turn around right away," Vivaan said, gulping  his saliva. “She’s cute”

Aditi, ignoring his warning, turned right away. "Shit! I told you not to, man!"

"Nah bro, she is checking out the menu board," Aditi exclaimed , sinking in the pose of Her fictional bff.

"I don't know, but something about her is… strange. She’s weirdly entrancing."

"How can you say that? We can’t even see her face from here.. Anyway,
that's probably her airpods, they look good on her, not to mention expensive. But with a little tone up and lipstick, she would be a goddess," Aditi sayid zooming into something.

“Anyway, why are you alone?” he asked, looking around casually, his eyes following her figure around the place.

“Anu and Aryan left me alone. That’s it. End of story," Aditi said, taking a very long sip of her smoothie. "And lets not forget that my coaching class starts in less than half an hour,"

"Woah woah. Who is Anu? Who is Aryan? And why aren't you at coaching class now?" Vivaan continued to ask questions while Aditi was patiently taking another gulp.

"Well," she squinted her eyes for a bit trying to come up with something. "Aryan is my bff while Anu is my gf,"

"What? Bro's got a girlfriend?" Vivaan exclaimed in shock. "And what's up with all the acronyms?"

Oh oh. Aditi had been caught. Guys won't use short forms especially words like, 'bff', 'gf' etcetera.

"Yup, been committed for a good two years," she said while using a napkin to clean up her ugly ass mouth. "She is just, perfectly beautiful and gorgeously fantastic."

"That's wonderful man, anyways do you need a ride back to your home?" He asked still keeping his face sight on her.

"That would be the nicest thing any guy had done for me today other than sharing tasty food," she said while grabbing her phone, wallet and other little snacks.

Vivaan was like, "bro are you drunk or what?"

"Nope, been steady for almost eighteen years,"

"So you are a year older than me," Vivaan replied, opening the door. He looked inside one last time to see the ‘expensive earpods’ girl who was now completely lost in a book.

"Gonna turn nineteen soon," she remarked. "You know what, adult life sucks. You gotta be perfect and blah blah blah." Aditi rolled her big fat eyes.

"I know, that's what my brother says too," He said, gearing his motorcycle.

"You have a brother?" She questioned while sitting on his bike double sided. "And you shouldn't be driving without a driving license,"

"Yup, he is eighteen too. And he is a medico." He was irritated. "And don't mom lecture me, bro."

"Ah I get it, this mouth is made for lectures. Seems like it," Aditi faked her laugh. "I am a medico too,"

"Why do handsome guys go for medicine? Come and play some balls," Vivaan said, accelerating his bike.

"Woah woah, so you say I'm handsome?" She practically blushes over a little boy's words. He called her 'handsome', but not in a romantic way but in a satisfactory way.

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