chapter twelve

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   Featured song
Paper Rings
Taylor Swift

Author's POV:

Vedant and Aditi kept running to one another. What the actual fuck did destiny plan for them? And why does it take so long? Yet, it was still in the hands of fate. (The authors Ivy and Agusta)


We chatted for a bit before I went into the hall and she had done her job quite well. And seeing that guy before, I don't know. Maybe I was hallucinating.

Anu made sure that I was filled only with my concepts rather than 'the mystery Vedant guy'. Thanks to her, I wrote the exam better than last time.

But I decided to disclose my secret within myself. Last time I told everyone that I would get in, but turns out I didn't do that well. But I won't keep secrets from my megaspore mother cell, for she has always been my guardian angel and believer.

I came out clean. I had a neutral face which I made sure to keep as possible as I could. To anyone. Anu was sitting near the same casuarina tree and was texting Aryan.( I peeked before I jammed her, which has become my favorite hobby these days)

"Heya bitchass," I continued my 'wednesday Addams' face act. Without blinking, hard nut face, expression less lips and blah blah.

"I know I know," She says, tapering towards me with a handful of fries." You must be hungry, finish this and continue your damn act," she opens her arms for me to collide inside hers and I make use of the opportunity well.

The thing I've been dreading for is almost over and I was relieved a bit. When I thought I was relieved, I heard my name being called from the announcement center. Damn it. "Aditi Varma your hall ticket was found lying near the staircase,"

I disgust myself on how the paper would have been crushed by people's walk on it. I pleaded Anu to pick it up for me, but she refused in return of watching 'The vampire diaries'

I was this much close in grabbing her earphones and plugging them into my ears. I'd die to watch Damon's smirk and witty remarks, but I had to go pick it out, for It's my gateway to the future. At Least that's what I thought. "Fuck you," I say chorusing with my laugh.

I couldn't think about anything else besides going home and sleeping it off for months. I imagined myself sleeping in my cozy bed cuddling with My cat, Meow. She is a real cuddler, you know.

But as always, It was time for Vedant to creep into my thoughts. Damn the fuck for zillionth time! I shake myself up from that dream of mine where I and him would duet songs. I know it's stupid to the core, but yeah.

I was completely lost in thoughts that I bumped into a girl! You may ask how Had I identified that it was her. Well, you must have known about the frontal physiques. Don't mistake me! I slapped myself in the head while daydreaming.

"Sorry," I saw the girl's face and Since, I was in a rush, I didn't mind to ask name, address and phone numbers. But I'd seen her somewhere. But Where?

I got it! She was Vivaan's girl. Well not really, but he was practically drooling over her. But then I realized, I had a hall ticket to collect.

I was searching all over the stairs but couldn't find it. Where the fuck it would be? They said that a student was holding it hostage and it seemed impossible to find that person!

After searching for about half an hour, I was simply exhausted. Shit. I decided to drink a little water to shove away my thirst. But not only did I complete the whole water bottle but also spilled water all over me. Shit, again.

I was trying to hit off the water by waving my hands, but as A science student, I should have known the fact that humidity won't go off by waving your hands here and there. Stupid.

"Excuse me, Have you seen this girl?" A familiar voice approached me. That's not just any familiar voice, but his very own. Him. The very person I was dreading and equally wishing to see.

The boy with raven dark hairs and a simple blue button up shirt stood before me. He had a laminated paper tugged between his elbow and waist and was rummaging through his bag.

"This girl, I have been searching for her for almost twenty minutes," He was out of breath. Tried to inhale as much air as he could hold.

Without knowing what's happening around me, I simply nodded. "Thank God, where is she?"

I stumbled out of words. The first time in all my nineteen years of life, I felt dumbstruck.

What the fuck? I thought to myself  kicking the ground with my newly bought nikes.

"Anything wrong?" His brows furrowed. But suddenly, his look went down my face. Ohemgee! He was examining me! My girl instinct woke me up. I tried to distract him by adjusting my tone to Stefan like male one.

Author's POV:

Vedant is many things. But He ain't a pervert. He was wondering how she had got the cyan coloured tee which he decided not to buy. He regretted not buying it for, it suited Aditya perfectly.

"I was asking where can I find her?" He spoke out in a husky yet stern tone.

Aditi shrugged before answering. "Uh um I can give her, if you want me to."

Vedant was cautious for a moment. "And why would you do that?" He raised his voice all over and kind of threatened Aditya. Meanwhile she cursed very un-lady likely in her mind. Vedant thought that he was being nosy and was trying to hit on the owner of the ticket.

Aditi managed to speak, rummaging through her hormones. "Chill bro, she is my sister." She immediately regretted calling him 'bro'. "She is a twin of mine, Aditi and Aditya. We are identical twins,"

She slapped herself again for giving extra informations to make the lie look real.

Idiotic idea! "I see, Be sure to give it to her then," Vedant handed over the paper to Aditya and turned to leave.

While leaving, he patted on his shoulders radiating a sense of brotherhood. Damn it.

For Vedant, it was just a pat on shoulders. But for our Aditi, It was as if she was touched by the god himself. That too a Greek one. She felt a ray of hope and sunshine the moment he touched her. It was as if electric current had been turned on which was dormant for years. She felt different. She craved his touch and felt nostalgic for some unknown reason.

"Aditi, I love you so much!" She said, gritting her teeth in happiness.


Heyyyy there followers and swiftieeeeees!

Hope you all loved seeing Aditi's interaction with her man and we also hope that it would've put up a beautiful smile on you!

Ps: The trio will be back very soon with a total bunch of Chaos and atrocities!


Have a good one! :)

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