chapter fifteen

31 4 14

☕  Featured song☕ 

Wildest dreams
(Taylor Swift)

Author's POV: 

There is a thin line between sad and depressed. For some people, that line is made with love. For some, it is made with trust. Each person's line may differ from the others in various ways. For Vivaan, that line was made with belief. He believed in things that went far from the actual things he should believe in.

He believed in support, in chances, in opinions, perspectives, mindsets, logic, explanations, peace, and whatnot! But one thing about him that struck her hard was his fear of love. It was almost as if he was scared of it. He feared believing in love, not falling in love.

There was something about the way he spoke to that girl in the morning.

Ivy thought to herself. It was almost dark outside now and she had been staring at the Canvas in front of her for a solid hour. There was a perfect scene in front of her, waiting to be stitched on the paper with threads of colors. And Ivy would have been delighted to be the one to do it. But her mind was preoccupied by a certain sandy haired boy. In her mind, he was of a deep gray. Mixed with a lot of blue and green.

She’s been feeling that way ever since she could remember. She saw people, and she connected them with colors. Her mother was beige. Her father was violet and her brother was a faded shadow of purple. Apart from her family, there were not a lot of people she knew. And her past had been rough, stark black.

A cacophony of birds chirping broke Ivy out of her trance. She looked around her and felt her body absorbing the tranquility. Picking up the paintbrush, she took a deep breath. Filling herself with the scenario, she allowed her lips to curl into a little smile. After that, Ivy had no idea how long she stood there. In the small hut-like space weaving her colors with the extraction of her imagination.

She felt lost in the gaze of nature and dived deeper and deeper with every movement she made with her brush. She felt as if she was riding the waves of a sandy brown as she painted. As if the eyes were the moon and the nose, as sharp as the mountains. She wasn’t conscious of what was happening around her. She was in her own utopia, she was drowning in her own sea of thoughts and emotions.

So lost she was in her world of colors, she indeed hadn't felt a new figure arriving. The person tilted his head to look past her and saw something that would, for sure, have creeped anyone out. He stared at her canvas, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.

“What are you? A stalker?!” he cried out. Ivy jumped at the sound of his high-pitched voice and turned to look at him, shocked. He continued staring at the painting, she continued staring at him, mouth open, eyes wide.

Hey, he looks real!
Shut up

He’s here!!
Shut up

He looks like a Greek god!!

"You could have changed my tee color," He said, "This is my rubbish brother's shirt, come on, mix some colors and change the tee, will you?" He continued criticizing her painting as she stood still, trying to gather herself. He walked over to her, and started rubbing his fingers across the canvas.

“It’s still a bit wet over her-”

“Oh no you didn’t!! You bitch you’re ruining it!!! Get away from my painting!” Ivy shouted, pushing him. She was breathing a bit heavily while he blinked at her, looking conflicted.

Am I supposed to be offended or am I supposed to be sorry? He thought to himself.

“You- you…. Why are you here?” she squealed looking around hurriedly. He stood up straight again before fixing his hair quickly. Even if he had in some way ruined her painting, even if she was behaving weirdly, she was the girl he wanted to meet. She was the earbuds girl, the one who had helped him earlier. He leaned against a wooden pillar, taking his phone out.

“Do you have any idea where you are? It's a private property!” She was irritated at his lack of… mannerisms.

“No, it's not. My brother and I have been coming here since we were kids. I know it’s not.”

She started pacing around and bit her lip. He, meanwhile, stood there, nonchalant about everything. Then, suddenly, the lights all over the property flickered on and at the same time, a light flashed in her face.

“What- what was that about?”

“What was what about?” he asked, smiling innocently. He pocketed his phone.

“You took a picture of me! Don’t act innocent!”

“You have a painting of me, it’s only fair if I have a picture of you, don't you think? Anyway, thank you for helping me out in the morning." He said, moving from the place where he was.

"But I'll take it from here," he motioned towards the canvas gesturing to her to take the painting aboard.

“No, no you won't” She looked aghast. To her, he didn't seem much of a painter. And she was as willing to part with it as a lioness with her cubs.

“Come to think of it, why are you here?” He asked.

She wetted her lips thinking of a way to get him out of the place. Her brother was visiting her and she had no intention of them running into each other.

“I- I live here,”

“The whole place?” he stared at her, wide-eyed

“Yeah. Look, you need to get out of here okay?” She gently pulled the painting out of his clutches and placed it down, away from him.

"But I'm not going without getting my painting," He snaps out of his thoughts.

Ivy thought for a minute or two about how she would be questioned if her brother caught him with her. She wasn’t willing to part ways with the painting but then again, she’d rather let him borrow it than have her brother behind her.

“Fine, here. Please, please make sure it dries before you hang it or anything.”

“Isn’t this you indirectly worrying about my face?”

"Whatever, just go!"

The boy grinned triumphantly at her before walking towards her. He bent down a bit, looking into her eyes.

“So… How long have you been doing it?”

“S- since the evening”

His eyes narrowed.

“Let me rephrase it. How long have you been stalking me?”

"I didn't stalk you!" The answer came straight away without hitting on any bushes. His words caused no harm other than lighting her face on fire.
You’re blushing!!
I’m angry.

"I- I just found you….. In- inspiring?" she swallowed harshly.

"I hope I was inspiring to you, then." He winked at her. "Anyways I gotta go now,” he gestured at a book lying beside the canvas and said, “Keep swimming… Lily”

"You shouldn't assume my name on your own." She muttered while he jumped off the fence. But before he jumped completely, he raised his head and mouthed, "Thank you."

She blinked a couple of times trying to register what just happened. And then, leaned over the fence trying to see if he’s gone or still there. She tilted her head watching his retreating figure.

You feel relief.
No, shut up.

You think he’s cool.
He’s not. Shut up.

You think he looks good.
No, I don’t. Shut. Up.

He made you blush.
For Christ's sake, SHUT UP!


Hey, swifties and gorgeous people!  Hope y'all are in your best state of day and this chapter was particularly focused on Ivy And Vivaan's interactions!

Have a smile! 

Girls online,  going offline  ;)

We adore y'all <33

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