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"Attention, all contestants."

A male voice echoes in the lobby. Celline looks around searching for the source of the voice. The din gradually quiets.

"There are no speakers on the walls. None of the Abettants had a microphone. Where is that voice coming from?" Celline asks.

I shrug. The mystery behind the invisible speakers is not my concern right now.

"Welcome to Mount Romblont. Let's start this beautiful day with gratitude. Let us show our appreciation to the hundreds of Abettants who have offered their services to administer this very important challenge," announces the mystery speaker.

I see other contestants stare at their inner wrists. I realize that they are watching from their Wristos.

"Celline, look at your left wrist," I say as I demonstrate the gesture.

"Oh. My Wristone is on the right," Celline says.

I lift my left wrist higher toward my nose to get a clearer view of the speaker. A blinding round light is illuminating the speaker's face but I can see a female neck and shoulders.

"There are exactly three hundred contestants participating in this activation challenge from all over the world. You were all randomly grouped in pairs yesterday. I can tell that many of you have bonded over the past thirty hours. One of the goals of our new Judges this year is to foster camaraderie among Vens. Today, you will be grouped according to the majority of your thimble compositions."

Celline and I nod at the same time.

"There will be a total of ten groups with thirty contestants each. Each group has been named after one of the ten precious elements and gems Ven thimbles are mostly made of. Your Wristos will indicate what group you belong to and where to proceed. Each group has a designated entrance number. After all groups have been assembled, the Abettants will usher you to the auditorium."

I felt my Wristo vibrate. The luminous spherical screen appeared a few inches from my left wrist. PEARLS ENTRANCE 2 flashed in the hologram.

          The Abettants made two lines facing the wooden gates.  Blinding rays of light flashed from the wooden gates. My jaws dropped as I watched the silhouettes of the Abettants stretch upward from the ground.

Their bodies enlarged and elongated like soft rubber. Even their uniforms and helmets adjusted to their new size just like The Hulk. They became as tall as the Abettants from yesterday's hike.

The light was gradually vacuumed out of the round wooden gates. Each gate was transformed into a work of art, creatively adorned with their corresponding elements and gems.

A number one made of platinum bricks appeared on a striped gold and silver gate.

A gate made of pearls in different shades of white had a number two made of black pearls.

A number three made of aquamarine was glittered on a shiny turquoise stone.

A huge diamond number four sparkled with streaks of platinum and silver shining like the sun.

Number five was made of solid gold on a gate studded with cubes of amber and topaz stones. 

A braided copper number six glistened on a diamond and aquamarine crusted gate.

A golden gate had a number seven was made of two silver arrows with one head pointing west and the other pointing south.

Two flat and round amber stones formed number eight with diamond-encrusted circles in them.

Bronze plates with pearls on the rims formed a number nine on a gate that was half gold and half silver.

A gate striped with copper and silver had a topaz-studded number ten. The exquisite designs on all the gates were clearly visible to all the contestants.

"Which group are you?" Celline asked.

"Pearl," I answered.

"Me, too," Celline said jumping up and down as she tried to mangle my right arm off of my shoulder.

"I'm also happy we're on the same team. Stop jumping."

We walked toward the pearl door.
The Abettants pulled something from the left side of their hips. I thought they would draw out swords but they pulled out pennants with numbers on them.
An Abettant came forward when I  approached the door. It was female with natural bronze skin that shimmered against the light. Her green eyes had a piercing stare.

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