Epilogue: Blader's Final Hours

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(Here is the true final chapter I wrote for TTODAD, Blader's Final Hours. Our friends brought in Thiefstone, the character we didn't use until after The End? I never really put in any canonical entrance for her, so just use your imagination. At the end of this there will also be a note to my friends about the story. Please, enjoy the final installment.)
Blader took shift of his group. An army of elves and dwarves had tried to kill them, and they had almost not made it out alive. They were all covered in burns and cuts. He sighed. "You guys need to remember to practice. I may have limitless magic but I can't bail you out all the time." He began systematically giving criticisms to his friends. "Oznerol, you need to control your fire. You almost burned the entire castle down. And that entire castle was made of stone." Oznerol nodded, though grinning while walking as he thought of how the explosion had sounded. "Naunia, the way you hold your sword is always either too loose or too tight. If you hold it too loose, you'll pretty much be throwing it. If you hold it too tight, it'll be knocked out of your hands. You need to find the perfect balance of your grip." Naunia nodded, walking out trying new grips out on her shortsword. "Stella, you need to remember that just because you're afraid of slime, we're not going to destroy it. Allow your fear to enhance your actions. And another note, please carry your knives in the concealed pockets at your sides. I had our tailors sew it in specifically so you don't have to bring your hands down to your feet." Stella nodded and immediately began shifting the knives to her sides and walked out. "Gene, you need to use your earth conjuring in more ways. Creating a golden sword for yourself doesn't always work. Try making us shields and armor, even expand yourself to castles if you want. Go nuts, the only real limit to your power is your imagination and the amount of open earth around you." Gene nodded and began fiddling with a ball of dirt in his hands. "Heartbeat, your shapeshifting power is well used but your sword skill is sloppy. It needs work, each time you try to chain a combo you leave openings for attack." Lightning Heart nodded and moved out to the training area Blader had set up outside of the new cabin he'd built for them. "And Lani," Lani jumped as she heard her name. "You need work on your close combat. You're excellent at throwing knives but you need work on fighting close quarters if you want to survive." She nodded and followed Lightning Heart to begin sparring with her. "Dedrater... where do I start... well for starters... you're really stupid. You can't even tell which one is your friend and which one is your enemy. And even then, you have the most stupid fighting style ever. Even with your stupidity I'd expected something smarter than the 'Stupid Fist'. At best we can use you as a meat shield. Go. Train." Dedrater continued staring into space until Blader gave him a hard kick in the face. "Lucy, you need to use magic more often. Let loose a little demon power." She nodded and then followed all of the others to go train. Blader then turned to Thiefstone. "Thiefstone, I honestly don't know what you should work on besides making everything picture perfect. You actually have about the same amount of skill I do. You barely got touched and protected everyone else while I fought their super soldiers and began to bring heavenly judgement on the land. If I ever died, I would want you as leader." Blader said as Thiefstone stood up and nodded. "Thanks Blader. It feels great to hear you of all people say that." Blader nodded and then turned to the mirror to shout at himself. "And YOU! YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR AN ANGEL! YOU NEED TO GET OUT THERE AND WORK! YOU NEED TO USE YOUR WINGS MORE OFTEN, BE HARSHER ON YOUR FRIENDS, USE YOUR GODLY ABILITIES MORE AND GET MAD! YEAH! BURN LIFE'S HOUSE DOWN WITH LEMONS!"

That entire day the group spent all of their time training, pushing themselves to their limits. Even Blader was almost completely spent at the end. They had basically destroyed the training field with all of their group attacks. They were all breathing very hard. "Alright gang, let's get ourselves some shut eye." Blader said as he stood back up guiding everyone inside before snapping and exploding the small doll they called Gary. He moved inside with the others and moved to the beds he'd made for all of them, collapsing on top of the one with Lucy on it and covering himself with the blanket, allowing the soft warmth engulf him.

The next scene Isaac witnessed made him smile as he realized that his plan was working. He looked to his side to see Oznerol. So he could link dreams with godly powers. Good to know. "Why have you brought me into this realm, Isaac?" Oznerol inquired. "I am going to fake my death. I'm immortal, but you're the only one who knows that. Everyone else thinks I can die, but I am simply reborn. No more of that, I've reached my rebirth limit and am now at immortality." Oznerol nodded grimly. "So, why exactly are you doing this?" Isaac allowed a wicked smile play on his lips. "It's a test of what would happen, really. Tell no one about this, but I actually have to go to a meeting of the angels. I need to "die" to do so, so I figured instead of Hara-Kiri, I would go out in a huge explosion." "So why are you telling me this?" Oznerol asked. "I simply wanted you to know, friend. You would do everything in your power to save me, and for the most part that would mean redirecting the fireballs. I'm afraid that would ruin my plans. I've rigged it so when we wake up, I'll be strung up in chains on a wooden stake, all of you will be chained up and unable to use any sort of power to escape, but using my 'last bit of strength', I'll free all of you with a godly power just before being immolated by the flames." Oznerol nodded. "So, act like there's nothing I can do?" "That's what I'm gonna do, so yeah." Both friends looked at each other and smiled. They'd somehow built such a strong bond just by leading this group. "See you later then, my angelic friend."

Blader looked around in disbelief and struggled against the chains holding him to the wooden cross. "Isaac Slaybane." Blader looked up, horrified as he struggled desperately. "You stand here for heresy, treason, and cold blooded murder." "THIS IS INSANE! LET ME GO AT ONCE!" Blader shouted out desperately, his voice cracking as he brought black lightning worthlessly down. This awakened the group, and all of those in the group looked up in horror as they watched an army of elves point their fingers, preparing to send fireballs at Blader. "May God have mercy on your soul, Isaac! MAY THE HOLY LIGHT OF JUDGEMENT COME UPON THIS MAN!" "STOP IT! THIS WORLD HAS ALREADY TAKEN MY SISTER FROM ME, AND NOW YOU'RE TAKING MY LIFE BEFORE I CAN AVENGE HER! YOU BASTARDS!" All of the fireballs were released at once as Blader screamed, tears coming to his eyes as all of the force he put into escaping forced his arms to bleed as he broke bone. Blader's voice grew quieter as he heard church bells. "Somebody... Please... Help..." The fear on Blader's face turned to blood boiling fury as he screamed once again, as lightning came down all around and he began shouting in Latin. The chains on his friends were broken as they all watched with tears forming in their eyes, besides Oznerol who looked coldly upon the scene. "CAESA HOMINES OMNES EVENTUALLY MORI! LEX AETERNA EST VITA MORTEN POSSUNT COME IN MULTIS FIGURIS ISAAC BLADER SLAYBANE NON SUBIMUS! POSSE DEOREM DIE! CEDENT POTESTATE!" Blader stopped for a moment as he calmed down a little.

"At ego non sum deus."

Blader's body exploded, he was coated in fire. He whispered. "I'm not God." Blader hung his head and his body turned to ash. Silence echoed as his group looked at the cross. He died. Cheering filled the room as everyone besides the group began shouting "ISAAC, THE DEMON IS DEAD!" The group stood frozen before Thiefstone tapped Oznerol on the arm and they began gathering everyone up for a speedy escape. Lani whispered questions to them. "Is he really dead? He can't be, right? Right?" "Be quiet Lani. Right now we have to focus on getting out of here." Oznerol whispered back to her.

(This is where the first major time skip happens. The next part of this story is 1 year from now, and this is where I leave you. Hopefully you guide yourselves somewhere well, and hopefully you figure out the mystery IC. "Remember, I'll always love you, for all eternity, Lucy." --Isaac {Dead})

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