Chapter 28: The Spirit Trial

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(Three weeks later)

(Planet: Coruscant)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's now been three weeks since I built my own lightsaber.

I'm currently on Coruscant as Revan wants me to face a test within the Jedi Temple.

And I'm wearing some new gear for this. 

(A/N: Sorry about the quality of the picture

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(A/N: Sorry about the quality of the picture.)

Sabine is with me along with Hera Syndulla. She's brought us here on the Ghost.

The ramp of the ship lowers once we're above the Jedi Temple.

Sabine: Y/N, the Jedi temple is crawling with Stormtroopers. So expect heavy resistance down there.

Y/N: I know, Sabine. I can sense them. But I need to do this. This is the only place I can learn more about the Jedi and this test that Revan wants me to take.

Sabine: Okay, good luck. I love you. 

Y/N: I love you too. Hera, once I'm out fly the Ghost out and stay out of sight.

Hera: Will do. Good luck, Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks, Hera.

I dive out of the Ghost and land on a platform on the Jedi temple.

The troopers see me land down.

Stormtrooper: It's a Jedi. Open fire!

I immediately activate my saber and fight my way through the stormtroopers. I block their blaster shots or cut them down.

After they're dealt with I head inside the temple.

I go over to a nearby pillar that has black marks on it from blaster shots.

I then start to hear things through an echo in the force. I hear blaster shots, sabers clashing and a voice saying the same thing over again.

???: Execute Order 66.

I pull my hand away.

Y/N: Holy shit.

After that I walk ahead to look for the holocron I'm suppose to find here.

(Twenty minutes later)

So I've made my way through the temple and found a holocron in the centre of the room.

As I walk over to it I deactivate my lightsaber. I touch the holocron and a hologram of my brother appears infront of me.

Anakin: Hello, my name is Anakin Skywalker....

The hologram starts glitching out.

After that I get hit by a blinding light appears.

Once it's gone I see that I'm in a dark arena-like area.

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