Chapter 30: The Sarlacc Pit

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Y/N's P.O.V

We're now on our way to the Sarlacc Pit.

Han, Leia, Chewie and I are on a skiff, while Sabine is on the barge with Jabba.

We also have Jacen and Lando with us. Luckily they're cover hasn't been blow yet.

Han and I are next to each other.

Han: I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light one.

Y/N: There's not much to see. I used to live here, you know.

Han: You're gonna die here, you know. Convenient.

I shake my head.

Y/N: Just stay close to Jacen, Lando, Leia and Chewie. I've got it all under control.

Han: Oh, great.

A few minutes later we come to a stop above the Sarlacc.

One of the guards take my cuffs off and push me forward slight.

A plank then comes out from under the skiff.

3PO says Jabba is willing to let us beg for our lives.

I decide to give Jabba one last chance.

I step forward.

Y/N: Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us or die.

All I hear is laughter.

Jabba: (Huttese!)

I get pushed forward onto the plank just above the Sarlacc's mouth.

I then look over to Jacen and Lando. I give them a nod.

They all nod back to me.

After that I look up to see R2 is in position on the barge. He's right on time.

I salute to him to give him the signal.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in his Jedi robes

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in his Jedi robes.)

Jabba: (Huttese!)

Before I can get pushed in I drop down and catch myself on the plank.

(A/N: Again, just imagine it's Y/N in his Jedi robes

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(A/N: Again, just imagine it's Y/N in his Jedi robes.)

I then use that momentum and the force to push myself into the air and do a front flip.

When I land I catch my lightsaber and ignite it.

I start to attack the guards with the help of Jacen and Lando.

After dealing with a few guards I go over to take off the other's cuffs.

Y/N: Easy, Chewie.

The skiff then gets hit and this causes Lando to fall off the skiff.

Lando: Help!

Then out of nowhere I see Boba Fett fly down towards us.

He lands he tries to shoot me, but I cut his blaster in half.

Another blast hits causing Han and Chewie to fall down.

I then get wrapped up by Fett.

I try to move my lightsaber to cut the wire. I end up blocking a blaster shot, which knocks down Boba Fett

Lando: Han! Chewie! Leia!

We get shot and I turn to see the guards on the other skiff shooting at us.

I jump over to the next skiff to take down the guards.

As we're fighting them I see Boba Fett flying through the air.

I look up and see the barge. I need to take out that cannon.

Y/N: I need to get on the barge.

I run forward, I then hang onto the barge.

One of flaps open and someone tries to shoot me, but I grab them and throw them out.

I start climbing up the barge.

I get to the top deck and ignite my lightsaber.

After that I take out the guard on the cannon and start blocking blaster shots.

A moment later I see Sabine come out onto the deck.

Y/N: Sabine, get the gun! Point it at the deck! Point it at the deck.

Out of nowhere my robotic hand gets hit.

Y/N: Ahh!!

I turn and kill the guard nearby.

Once the other guards are dealt with I go and grab a rope near Sabine.

Y/N: Come on, beautiful. We gotta go.

She holds onto me and I kick the gun and it fires at the deck.

Sabine and I then swing across to the skiff that the other's are on.

Y/N: Let's go, Lando. And don't forget the droid's.

Lando: We're on our way.

Lando pulls the skiff away as the barge blows up.

We got back Han and dealt with Jabba in the process.

(One hour later)

After an hour Sabine is new clothes and I changed into my flight suit. We've decide to leave Tatooine.

(A/N: It's the flight suit from the bio.)

I don't know why Sabine changed. I actually kinda liked what she was wearing.

Anyway, the other's are taking the Falcon back to the Rebel Alliance, while I take my X-Wing back to Dagobah along with BD-4 and R2.

We fly off in separate directions I hear Sabine come over the comms.

Y/N: I'll meet you guys back at the fleet.

Sabine: Copy that. The Alliance should be fully assembled by now.

Y/N: I'll be there as soon as I can.

Sabine: Please hurry back, babe. Don't be late again.

I smile.

Y/N: I'll be back soon and I'm not always late.

Sabine: Yes you are.

I chuckle.

Han: Hey, Y/N. Thanks. Thanks for coming back for me. Now, I owe you one.

I smile.

R2: (Beeps.)

Y/N: That's right, R2. We're going to Dagobah.

I grab a glove to cover my robotic hand, that is currently exposed.

Y/N: I've got a promise to keep, to an old friend.

I fly out and go into hyperspace.

It's time to complete my training.

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