Chapter 24

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So guess what everybody?! I have written a chapter for you guys!!! I made it as long as I could to make up for not writing. Enjoy this chapter okay guys?! And don't forget to vote, comment, fan/follow and share!! Thanks guys and enjoy!!

Chapter 24

Galatea's POV-

We had gone through six floors of people already within twenty minutes.

"Next floor is the main floor." Kai yelled over the hundreds of people scurrying about to escape from this hell.

My instincts told me to follow them, run towards the safety of the night but I continued to follow Kai who led me to floor after floor of people waiting to be set free.

We entered the main floor and everything was still up here. No one ran around like headless chickens. The only sound was the dull sound of bombs exploding outside.

We silently walked through the whole floor, looking for anyone else who may be trapped in here. We found no one.

I started to wonder where Gregory might be and decided that he must be outside with everyone else. Kai and I decided to split up and search the first floor. I searched as quickly as I possibly could because I hated being here alone.

When I was done I found Kai standing in a hallway. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, making him jump. He turned and looked at me, a tear falling down his face.

"This is where I was kept." He whispered.

I looked around at where we were. It was one hallway and on both sides there were little cells with a bunk bed and a toilet.

He stared at the cell to our right and I slowly walked towards it. Walking inside, I looked around and sat down on the bottom bunk slowly.

"That was the cell Zin and I stayed in." He whispered.

He started to walk forward, stopping at the door. He made a move to walk in but instead, took a step back. I chewed on my lip and looked around the cell. There was blood stains permanently scarred into the concrete floor and the bottom mattress.

"The bottom mattress was mine and Zin was on the top bunk." He whispered.

I looked over at him and could see his face contort into fear and anger as the memories of his years here ran through his head. I stood up and started to walk towards the door of the cell when it suddenly slammed closed. My eyes widened and I ran towards it, trying to shove it open. It was stuck!

"Kai! Help me! Get me out of here!" I screamed.

He stared at me with wide eyes and ran towards the cell door. He started tugging on it, trying to open it.

"It's locked!" He growled.

I closed my eyes and focused on the door but it wouldn't budge. I opened my eyes and looked at Kai, fear completely taking over my body.

"What's going on Kai? I don't understand! Get me out of here! Please?!" I begged, tears falling down my face as I shook the bars of the cell.

"I'm trying Tea hold on a sec."

Kai touched his ear.

"Z man we need some help down here. Tea's locked in our old cell and we can't get her out. Send some help man she's flipping out."

I started to hyperventilate. The idea of being stuck in the same cell as Kai and Zin was scary.

Suddenly a figure jumped from the shadows and smashed something into Kai's head. His knees buckled from underneath him and he fell to the ground like a sack of wheat.

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