Anyone Want Sequel Information?

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So guess what guys? First of all, I am so very sorry you all had to wait for me to update something. I've been very busy growing up. I have a job, graduated high school and in a few weeks will be moving into my college dorm about seven states away from home. So my life's been very busy these past few years that I haven't been able to write much. I missed writing so much though that I am back!! So for all of you wondering where it is I went, there is my answer. Sorry it's not as interesting as flying to the moon or traveling through the African Jungle. Anywho! I'm back! And for all of you Uncaged Wolf; Untamed Witch lovers out there I have some news for you!! Drum roll please!!!



The long awaited moment is finally here and guess what? Within the next few days I will have some of it uploaded for the pleasure of your beautiful eyes, whatever color they may be! For those of you who may, or may not know, the sequel is about Tea and Kai's daughter, Nayda. I'm not going to spoil anything about the story for any of you lovely readers so if you need to, freshen up and reread this story so your brains are ready for the sequel because it's coming soon! I'll send out a message when I've posted some of it. Until then, read on my lovely cherubs! And thank you guys, seriously, for being so patient for me and not giving up on my stories for however long I was gone. I'm so excited to be back and writing again!

~ xoxo mollysue

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