Chapter 2

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So....Im surprised at how much people are liking this story....Its amazing! And im really super glad people like this story.'s chapter 2.....hope you enjoy! Thanks!

Chapter 2

Kai's POV-

It's been three years. Three years since I had last seen my family. My ex girlfriend. Everyone. Three years of torture. Of needles and medicines and IVs. Three years ago I ran into the woods after getting in a fight with my ex. I needed to cool off so I went for a run when the Wolfsbane showed up. That's when I started running.

For my life.

I ran until my human legs got tired and then shifted. That's how they caught me. My paw got caught in one of those stupid bear traps. The leader of the Wolfsbane, Gregory, is extremely smart and one of the last true Hunters. With perfect accuracy, a talent only true Hunters acquire, Gregory shot me right in the shoulder, knocking me out cold. I woke up in a cell with another guy my age. He explained to me exactly where we were. We've become close friends. But enough of that. I needed to escape from the place. I'm slowky dying. Everyone here is. We hardly get fed and we're always experimented on like lab rats. You see, Gregory wants to find the strongest of each being in the world and mix their powers together and give them all to one person. He had the most powerful of everything here in his lab. The powerfullest werewolf is me. My cellmate is the most powerful wizard. They have other beings here too. Shape-shifters of all kinds, demi-gods from every god or goddess, wizards and witches, gypsies, faeries and werewolves. The only thing Gregory is missing, or this is what my cellmate's told me, is a witch. My cellmate, who's a wizard, knows exactly which witch they're missing but won't tell anyone her name. I inhaled deeply as I did another pull up.

"Kai stop that. Greg's coming."

I rolled my eyes at Zin's words.

"Kai." He warned as I did another pull up.

I sighed, put my hands on the ground, pulled my legs from the top bunk and flipped to the ground.

"Happy?" I asked sarcastically.

He shook his head and I noticed his eyes were glowing slightly. Again. Just then Gregory showed up in front of our cell.

"Well, don't you" He commented as his eyes went from Zin to me.

"Just keepin' my strength up sir." I replied.

He nodded.

"Mhm. Just remember. There's no escaping here K41."

I bit my tongue so I wouldn't say anything I'd regret later.

"Now, we need you both. Experiment time!"

I glanced at Zin and our eyes met. His eyes glowed even brighter and I knew we were thinking the same thing.

Escape time!

Gregory unlocked our cell and the guards that were standing on his left anf right slapped handcuffs on us. Before the guard put my handcuffs on my I grabbed my shirt and slipped it on real quick. Everyone here had a different pair of handcuffs. Mine kept me from shifting while Zin's kept all his power contained inside of them so he couldn't use them. Gregory led us to the lab and made us sit on the metal table.

"What are you doing to us today sir?" Zin asked.

Gregory pulled a glove on his hand.

"Well Z22.....I'm going to see if I can transfer some of your abilities to K41 here."

Zin's eyes widened and my mouth gapped open. Has he lost his mind?!

"You can't do that! Zin will die!!" I yelled.

Before I realized what I'd said, there was a loud slap and a sting on my cheek. I spit blood at Gregory's feet.

"Still no manners I see." He observed.

I rolled my eyes. Gregory walked to Zin and laid him on the table. He looked at me with wide, horror-filled eyes. I looked at his cuffs and then to mine and then back to his eyes, making sure he understood. It seemed like he did because as soon as Gregory took his handcuffs off him, power exploded from him. Electric lightning bolts went everywhere, destroying Gregory's equipment. A bolt of lightning went into the lock on my handcuffs and they landed on the floor with a thud. I smiled and shifted, going straight for the gun in Gregory's hand. Suddenly, he turned towards me and fired. Nothing happened. I yelped as the dart hit me but none of the effects were hitting me. I growled at Gregory and jumped. We landed on the floor with a crash and I grabbed the tranquilizer gun in my jaws, snapping it in half.

"Kai! Let's go!" I heard Zin yell.

I looked at Gregory.

"I'll be back. And I will kill you." I said in his head.

Then I turned around and ran after Zin.

Uncaged Wolf; Untamed WitchWhere stories live. Discover now