Chapter 13

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Hey guys i messed up on this chapter so i had to repost it! Here's the new chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 13

When I opened my eyes I saw where we were and smiled. I let go of Philip's hand and tried to let go of Kai's hand but he had a death grip on me.

"Kai you can let go." I whispered as Philip started to walk off.

I turned to face him and saw he had his eyes closed. He slowly started opening them and I smiled.

"Hi. Come on, look around." I whispered.

He stared at me for a moment and then looked down at our hands. His eyes widened and he let go of my hand, taking a step back. I frowned as my hand suddenly became cold.

"So where are we going exactly?" Philip asked suddenly.

Kai and I both snapped our heads in his direction and looked at him. He was looking around at everything around him while talking. Kai started looking around as well. I looked around too and saw we were in the supermarket area. Even though it was ten at night people were still selling and buying fresh goods. I smiled as two kids ran past us towards the fruit seller.

"Wow...." Philip and Kai both said.

I smiled and started walking towards the bright lights ahead of us.

"Come on boys." I said.

I heard them run after me and I smiled.

"You were right Tea this place looks just like my village." Kai said.

Philip didn't say anything. He was too busy looking around.

"Tea...I had no idea this place was so...."

"Busy?" I finished for Philip.

He nodded.

"Something like that." He whispered, still looking around.

I smiled.

"Where are we going?" Philip asked.

I stopped and grabbed Philip and Kai's shirtsleeves.

"See those lights?" I asked, pointing at the bright lights about a mile ahead of us.

They both nodded.

"That's where we're going." I answered, continuing to walk in that direction.

"What is it?" Philip asked.

I smiled.

"You'll see. It's my favorite place to go when I sneak out." I answered as we got closer.

Suddenly I could hear music playing and I glanced at both of them. Surprise dawned on Kai's face.

"We're going to the circus?" He asked as we came upon our destination.

I smiled as the entrance to the giant tent came into our view and nodded.

"Oh wow! I haven't been to a circus in....forever!" Kai said.

I smiled and looked at Philip.

"What's a circus?" He asked.

Kai stared at him in shock.

"You've never been to a circus?" He asked.

Philip shook his head.

"Kai I had never been to one either until I snuck out and stumbled across it one night. Our parents won't let us leave the castle because they think it's improper for us to walk among the people we rule." I explained quietly.

Uncaged Wolf; Untamed WitchWhere stories live. Discover now