Chapter - 11 Confessions

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After meeting Gun at the mall, Sky and Phai came to the cellar where Kim's car was parked.

As soon as they reached the car, Phai took Sky into his embrace and patted his shoulder.

Phai - it's okay. Nothing is going to happen again. I won't let him touch you again.

Sky just hugged back Phai tighter. And closed his eyes.

Sky - can we just stay like this for 2 mins?

Phai - as long as you are comfortable, I can give you as much as you want.

Sky and Phai stayed like that for some time. After that Sky and Phai got into the car and drove towards the major house. Sky was asleep by the time they reached home.

Phai - Sky, wake up, we are home.

Sky - we reached?

Phai - Yes

Sky looked at the surroundings and then looked back at Phai.

Sky - P'Phai

Phai - Yes

Sky - Are you okay?

Phai - What happened to me ? I am very good.

Sky - I know P'Phai is affected by meeting P'Gun today.

Phai - Sky, Phi thinks that....

Sky - I am sorry Phi, I was the reason for your break up with P'Gun.

Phai - Sky

Sky - I know you are still affected by him. But if you still love him why did you lie to him that we are together ? You should have just talked to him and get back with him.

Phai - Does Sky really want that to happen?

Sky - I want P'Phai to be happy. From the time you broke up with P'Gun, you never dated anyone. I know first love is not easy to forget. Life doesn't give second chance to everyone P'Phai.

Phai - Sky, the person I love is

Sky - P'Gun right? I understand your feelings Phi.

Phai was becoming restless because of Sky's words. He never wanted to get back with Gun. Gun was the one who cheated on him. Phai was sincere in his relationship but Gun always suspected that Sky and Phai are cheating on him. Phai wanted Sky to stop talking about the past relationship.

Phai moved forward towards Sky and took his face into his hands and kissed him.

Sky was startled by Phai's action. Sky wanted to move back but Phai holded Sky strongly. Sky tried to free himself but eventually gave up to Phai. Phai started exploring Sky's mouth. They were literally eating each other's mouth. When Phai felt that Sky is having issue for breathing, he backed from the kiss.

After a moment of awkwardness between both of them, Phai broke the silence and started talking to Sky.

Phai - Listen to me Sky, I know you want me to happy. I know you care about me. I know that you want me to be with the person I love. And I also know that you love me more than anyone else.

Sky - P'Phai what are you saying?

Phai - I heard everything you told to Uncle Kim.

Sky was shocked by Phai's confession.

Phai - if I didn't follow you and uncle Kim, I would have never know how you felt about me. I know I am a stupid. But Sky I like you. I like you not as I like Phan or Phleng or Phayu or Saifah. I like you as my dad likes Pa.

Sky - P'Phai, don't joke with me.

Phai - I know you won't believe me. But I want you to give me a chance. A chance to pursue you. I am ready to do anything to make you believe that I like you Sky.

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