Chapter - 10 Heart break or heartbreaks

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Phai - Why are you laughing Sky?

Sky - Because Phi is telling jokes.

Phai - What do you mean?

Sky - P'Phai I know very well that you don't want to be in a serious relationship. Then why are you teasing me?

Phai - I am not teasing you. I am serious.

Sky - P'Phai, stop teasing me. I am not going to fall for your words.

Phai - You don't believe me right?

Sky nodded his head.

Phai - Then tell me what Phi should do so that you will believe me?

Sky - what do you mean Phi?

Phai - I mean what I am saying. I am serious about us Sky. I will do everything you want me to do, so that you will believe me.

Sky just starred at Phai. Phai moved closer and cupped Sky's face and said - Sky, I know you won't believe me. I have never been in a serious relationship before. But I want to try it because it is you. I want to be with you. I want to do things with you. I want to grow old with you.

Sky - P'Phai

Phai - Khap

Sky moved his face towards Phai's and leaned forward to kiss him. Phai also moved forward to kiss him. They started kissing each other and Phai took Sky closer to his body, held sky's neck and deepend the kiss. They started eating each other's mouth.

Sky - P'Phai, P'Phai

Phai - Haan

Sky - What do you want to talk?

Phai - (Inner voice) Shia, it was my imagination. If I confess my feelings will Sky accept them? Does Sky feel the same as me? No I can't confess without knowing Sky's feelings. I can't lose him as a friend. I want him in my life even if he loves me or not.

On the other side

Phayu turned Rain towards him and asked him why is he crying.

Rain - P'Phayu

Phayu - khap

Rain -  I don't want you to go there. I want you to be here with me.

Phayu - Phi also doesn't want to go but I have to go. I will go fast and complete my work and come back as soon as possible. Okay.

Rain - But

Phayu - Rain, try to understand the situation. If there was an option, I would not go there but it is not possible.

Rain hugged Phayu more tightly.

Phayu - Rain, don't worry I will come back as soon as possible and I will make it up for you for sure.

Rain - when will phi leave then?

Phayu - Tomorrow morning

Rain - then can we stay at home today?

Phayu - dont you want to meet uncle chay?

Rain - But Phi

Phayu - It's okay Rain, let's go they all are waiting. We will come back as soon as possible okay? Also you will be coming back to home with me. So we can stay all night together. And you can send me to the airport too.

Rain nodded his head and agreed with Phayu. Phayu went towards the closet and bought a t-shirt.

Phayu - wear this and don't wear tank top infront of others.

Rain - but phi they are family.

Phayu - I know they are family. But I don't want anyone to look at you.

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