Last Day

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Hey guys, so ik it's been going a bit slow but trust me and just read till the end of this one you won't regret it. <3

Alexi's POV:

I pursed my lips and quickly inhaled through my nose before speaking, "Hello Mr. Gallo, my name is Alexi." I'd rather have a decent three months before I officially become Mrs. Gallo. I watched his eyes flicker with a flash of surpise before returning to a normal cold stare. He nodded in greeting before looking to Renzo.

"Renzo, I trust you are explaining to her all of her duties and whatnot?" He raised a brow, recieving a very aggressive and a tad bit desperate nod from Renzo.

"Of course Boss, she's a bit rusty and slow but I'm sure she'll figure it out." He glanced at me before turning his gaze back to Vincent who's face showed that he didn't have a care in the world. I took note that unlike everyone else, he called him 'Boss,' kind of like Rocco and those other guys at the club the other night, but he wasn't so casual to call Vincent 'Enzo' like Nico and Gio.

"Let's go Lex." He called out for me and I followed, feeling very much like a lost dog. Who the hell does he think he is? 

"It's Alexi." I spoke in a clipped tone.

"Whatever, now I have some work for you. Go grab me a coffee and some lunch from that Starbucks around the corner," He mused a mischevious glint in his eyes, "also set up a meeting with Mr.Gallo and the floormates at 4:00." He ordered about to leave me to my tasks before adding, "I trust you remember my order?" Then turning on his hell and heading back into his office. Placing the binder down on an empty desk, I walked off to go do his bidding. 

I never liked being bossed around but with everything going on and all of this confusion I have to deal with, I'm actually grateful to have some direct orders instead of giving me a gray area that changes every three seconds. I scoffed under my breath, Vincent wormed his fucking way into my head and now I'm royally screwed. 

I walked over to the Starbucks which was only a minute away from the building. I wonder what this rich ass prick was doing as a manager at a minimum wage job since he's baisicaly floating in money as of right now. I entered the shop and got in line, a man coming in behind me. I stood in line typing up notes for Mr.Adorno's meeting. Who the fuck were the floormates? I furrowed my brows stepping up in line.

"Hey how's your day goin' sugar, what can get started for you?" A lady with a heavy Jersey accent greeted me making me smile.

"It's going well thank you for asking, I'll take a venti iced americano with two pumps of caramel and a ham and swiss on a baguette. " I recited before adding, "How's your day going?" This lady was litterally gorgeous, she looked like she was in her mid-thirtys but damn she was hot. 

"I'm doing great hon' thanks for asking, but damn I didn't peg you for an americano girl!" She laughed, handing me my reciept. I chuckled and stood off to the side letting the man behind me get his order. A few short minutes later I was standing by the guy behind me and scrolled on my phone.

"Oh shut up Renzo, I'm good at my job, your shit is aldready ready." I heard the man rumble behind me, my intrest immedietly peaked. I was about to listen some more but then the barista from earlier started calling out people to collect their orders.

"ALEXI- AN ICED AMERICANO WITH TWO PUMPS OF CARAMEL WITH A HAM SWISS BAUGETTE, HEATHER- TWO CAKEPOPS AND A PINK DRINK, AND LEO- A HAZELUNUT CAPPUCINO!" She called out leaving the drinks on the counter for collection. I picked up Renzo's order and took note of Mr.Mysterious grabbing the order under Leo. I quickly jogged back to the office passing the perky front desk lady and to the elevator she showed me earlier. With a ding I walked onto the top floor and into Renzo's office. He was hunched over typing away on his laptop, barley sparing me a glance.

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