Never Friends

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Hey guys! So just letting you know this POV is going to start when Alexi and Vince go downstairs for their interrogation thing. So baisically we get the interrogation in Lex's point of view plus more. :)

Alexi's POV:

I muttured a string of French under my breath that mostly consisted of curse words and death threats and just other things. I stormed into a closed off bathroom with an actual door and took off my shirt. It was infuriating how hard I tried to stay in tune with my thoughts and then Vincent over there shows up being all hot and unbothered and throws me off. 

Also why the fuck was it so hard to believe we could shoot a gun? I mean sure his whores like Stephanie and whatever had a much leaner and skinny body type than I did but was it that unbelievable? 

I was going to have to do something about this whole thing because it is having way too much control over me and I don't like it.

I mean yes, do I talk back and show some resolve and self control? Yes, but is that real resolve and self control? Fuck no. It was maddening to admit the fact that if he asked me to do something with even just an ounce of sweetness fake or real, I'd probably do it. Vincent was one of the hottest and se-


 I pulled my shirt off my back and applied my aloe vera pastey-thingy onto some of the darker ones as well as a few of the ones that were healing. Aloe was not only incredibley soothing but it helped lighten the scars if not remove them completely before they form. I tried focusing on the routine I had set for myself but my mind just kept going back to Vincent.

I practically cherished the sweet things he did. He always made sure my baking supplies were stocked, he asked the cheff to make me alfredo pasta at least once a week after seeing how much I loved it during lunch with his parents, he hugged me back when I hugged him, and just was so sweet at times. It was at those specific times I would think, hey he can't be that bad maybe we can be happy here and even learn to love him! Then right after he would be either cold and an asshole, or fuck someone.

And even though it shouldn't at all, it hurt so much. To top it all off, it hurt enough for me to get fed up with it and that thought was scary.

Yesterday when I was stuck in his room I had a mind-blowing realization. This realization being that I would rather go back to living with Father than staying here and being confused 24/7. I mean at least back with my brothers I knew exactly what was going to happen. Was it any fun? No, but was it easier? One hundred percent. I knew when I was going to get punished, I knew what time everyone came home, I knew how long the maids took to clean, and I knew when I could get away.

For fucks sake I even had a guy that I liked and I am pretty sure he liked me back. Honestly I don't remember the last time I thought about him since after I found out I was going to get married everything went out the window. Literally.

Then yesterday after I ended up having to jump out of a window (which is becoming a very taxing habit) and I went upstairs to read Icebreaker, I had a thought. What if I just pull a friends with benifits on Vince? Since when you really think about it all I need to do is have sex with him a few times and get pregnant.

I scoffed as my mind wandered to how close he was to me when he was reminding me of that fact. 


I fought the urge to pull my hair out as yet another example of how he was so hot and cold just revealed itself. He came so close and made my stomach hatch a million butterflies, but then told me something so assholish it was hot. What made it worse was the fact I could hear the smugness in his voice when he was telling me it, so there was no way he didn't know I thought it was attractive.

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