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Mo XuanYu was looking around at his unknown surroundings and the people in it. He was damn confused and scared, too. He just didn't understand what was going on. He knew he couldn't stay with his mother for long because of his aunt and cousin. But never had they ever sent him among such people who looked all powerful.

His lower lips almost wobbled when he sighted the golden colored geges. The one with the most beautiful face must be his father, for his mother had told him that his father was powerful and kind and also wore golden colors. A smiled morphed on his face as he ran immediately into Jin ZiXuan's lap, who was gaping at the kid who was his half-brother and right now giving him a toothy smile. He was so damn confused and was staring at the innocent eyes when he felt Yanli nudging his elbows. Looking up at her, he saw her giving him an encouraging smile. Thus, he picked up XuanYu and smiled softly at him.

'Hello XuanYu.' ZiXuan smiled softly at him.  XuanYu grinned at him and called him, 'Baba', which froze everyone in the room. They didn't know what to think anymore. While the culprit was not the least bothered, thinking about who knows what, with that creepy smile plastered on his face.

Seeing as everyone had frozen, Yanli took over, giving her beautiful and sweet smile, 'A-Yu, hello there, I am Yanli. You can call me Yanli-jie. But would you tell me why you are calling him Baba.'

A-Yu had already put her 2nd on his favorite person list after his mother. After all, she was the only one other than his mother, who smiled at him so kindly.

XuanYu- (smiling shyly) Mother told me that father would come soon and protect us from all the bad people. And he was kind and wore golden.

Yanli felt her heart breaking thinking of the hopes that this cute innocent kid had. Just how much he must have suffered to actually destroy his soul for revenge. Though, she would always be thankful to him for giving a new life to her A-Xian. Yet she couldn't help but wish to see the kid always smiling.

ZiXuan decided to take matters into his hands, as A-Yu was his brother. So he made him comfortable on his lap and then spoke with so much softness that A-Ling had to look away, for be had imagined that look on his parents' face so many times. But right now, he wasn't in the frame. Jiang Cheng had seen the look on his nephew's eyes and immediately understood it, as he himself had felt it so many times, when his father had favored Wei Ying. Thus, he immediately went and sat beside him and pulled him into a hug whispering only for him, "A-Ling, your parents do love you a lot. But caring for Mo XuanYu doesn't mean their love for you is any less. Look, you haven't even come to existence for them in this world, but if they are given a chance, they would still die for you. And anyways, your jiujiu is here, always', placing a kiss in his hair.

Lan Xichen was swooning on his own. His lover was so considerate. He couldn’t help his heart from making a wider space for the Jiang Heir. QinghengJun, on the other hand, was smirking looking at his two lovesick sons who were swooning for the Jiang siblings. To be honest, he was quite happy with their choices, too.

Jin Ling tightened his hold on him for a few moments longer before releasing him from the hug, feeling a lot better. And this time, when he met his parents' eyes, they were smiling widely at him. The proud one. And that was more than enough for him.

The entire experience was quiet, jarring for everyone, along with what was left as cliffhanger in the stimulation. So they all just kept to themselves for now, waiting for it to start, which it did a few minutes later, causing everyone to sit straighter.

On the other hand, Lan SiZhui and the other disciples did not find anything in the area of the ancient tombs and had moved on to search for clues in Goddess Temple.

'I just hope you all are safe', Yanli couldn’t help but mutter out loud.

'A-niang, see, we are safe and sitting in front of you', A-Ling said with a chuckle.

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