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Wei Ying felt as if his brain had stopped working. And Lan Zhan felt as if his heart stopped at the sight of Wei Ying being hurt. But he was too confused as to what course of action should be taken. He trusted Wei Ying. But looking at the fierce corpse Wen Ning, it all just.... damn it was so frustrating. But no one could come between Wen Qing and him. And to be honest it was understandable. Afterall, Wen Ning was her brother. The one, she had protected all her life.

To see him like this, was surely a huge blow to her. As soon as Wei Ying was punched, the juniors came to his aid immediately and Wen Ning tried to placate his sister, 'Jiejie, look I am here. I am fine. It's okay. We can try to change the future here. Okay. Please don't be angry.'

Hearing her brother's voice, she hugged him immediately and so tightly, that even he himself was quiet surprised of her strength. Mingjue watch the scene unfold and frankly he was with Wen Qing. If someone had done something like that with Huaisang....

Even imagining it, gives him shivers. No.... come what may, there can't be reason enough to turn someone like this and that is what he wanted to point out, when Jin Guangshan opened his shifty mouth, 'Wei-gongzi, everything shown till now might be rumors. But rumors start because there is some truth to it. It seems, Jiang-zonghzu that your head disciple truly strayed from the righteous path and destroyed such an innocent boy. Look, how kind he is. (Pointing at Wen Ning) He still isn't retaliating. Well, it might also be the fact that he is himself in shock till now.' Smirking inwardly.

Wen Qing was still looking at him with accusation, while Wei Ying was blank. He didn't know what to make of this revelation. He, himself couldn’t imagine what must Wen Ning be going through. He was such a shy and timid boy, like a kid in an adults body. How could he have done something like this to him? Wen Qing was correct in punching him. She should have punished him even more.

While he was still drowning in self guilt, Wen Qing was fighting in her brother's hold to kick Wei WuXian again. Seeing as the grip was not loosening, she screamed while tears flowed down her eyes, 'How dare you Wei WuXian? How dare you? How could you do that to my brother? Huh.... what has he ever done to you? Why??'

Yanli had come to Wei Ying and held him in her arms. But she herself didn't know, what to say. She had heard the rumors about her and her future husband's death at A-Xian's hand. And she knew they were false. But Wen Ning was living proof.... or... was it... dead? She didn't know what more to think.

But before she could say something more or anyone else pointed out at Wei Ying, SiZhui stepped in between, 'Excuse me, everyone, I know I shouldn't say this, as it would almost be equal to giving you all spoilers. But I can't see you all raising your fingers at A-die. So let me tell you, whatever happened with Wen-gongzi and the reason he is a fierce corpse, is very complicated. When you see the series of events that led to it, even you would feel, it was somewhat right. And trust me on that. Afterall, I have lived in the future. But please wait patiently, for it isn't A-die's fault. Please just don't raise your fingers, without knowing the full reasons. Wen-guniang, I know, it's very difficult for you to accept that your brother is like that in the future. But please have a little bit patience. Afterall, you are watching the future unfold, just so you would not make the same mistakes again. Let's say, your brother will not even become that same thing yet again. So please have patience.'

Hearing him out, Wei Ying felt a sense of hope returning to him. He could not imagine himself as a tyrant. The Lans just had no idea what to make of it. They were the righteous Clan, but when such atrocities were said to have righteous cause, it was quiet disconcerting for them.

The Jiangs...

Well Madam Yu was still muttering to her husband, 'I told, he was a disgrace to the sect. Now look at what he has done. He surely must have pulled our reputation through mud.'

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