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(ten years ago)

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(ten years ago)

"Aidennnn" she drags my name out as she shakes me again. Her voice echoes off the space in between the woods and leaves warmth awake inside me as she takes my cheeks in her hands and lifts my face to meet her eyes.

Brown eyes so dark that they are almost black stare back at me as she tilts her head slightly. It's something she does when she is confused. Her soft blonde locks fall on her face as she examines me.

My face heats under her stare and I try keeping it as blank as I want it to be. "Why are you mad?" she asks for probably the thousandth time since we got here.

"I'm not mad," I answer the same thing I've been saying since she started with her questions.

But I was mad though.

Maybe because I thought I would be the one she would spend time with after coming from her fancy trip to Paris.

But I was wrong.

I didn't even know she was back until I saw her with Noah in her garden drawing together.

Only me and Calli drew together. She hated drawing and only drew with me because I liked it.

"Aiden." she pouts and her brows furrow as she removes her hand from my face and crosses her arms around her chest and glares at me.

Uh oh, she is the one who is mad now.

"If you don't tell me what got you so upset how can I understand Aiden? You need to tell me if something is wrong. If we are going to be the best best friends we need to talk." her frown deepens and I let out a sigh and nod my head.

I want to be her best best friend. For forever.

"You didn't come to see me after you came back," I say quietly. "And I saw you drawing with Noah," I add hesitantly.

Her eyes widen before they go sad. It happens every time she thinks about her parents. "Mom and Dad didn't allow me to go out since Noah's parents visited us suddenly. And Noah was sad the whole time so he asked if he can go out and draw. I promise I didn't draw anything. I just sat beside him as he drew that's it." she explains and uncrosses her arms and sighs.

"Trust me Aiden, you were the first person I wanted to come back to. I didn't even want to go and even when I went, all I wanted was to get back here and be here with you." warmth spreads through me as she shuffles and tackles me in a hug.

A small smile touches my lips as I hug her back and rest my head on the crook of her neck.

"Wait," she yells suddenly and pulls back making me frown.

I like her hugs.

The warmth in her arms is all I want because it's always so cold. But my mom and dad say that everything will be okay and that a hug and a kiss can make the pain and cold go away.

My face suddenly heats as I look at Callie's lips. She is your best best friend Aiden. I tell myself.

I shake my head and watch her while she shuffles through her bag and retrieves a small black box. She walks back to me and sits down as a soft shade of red coats her cheeks. "I-uh brought us something." A smile touches my lips which grows into a fully-blown grin as she opens the box.

She brought us friendship bracelets.

She removes them from the box and pulls my hand towards her as she fastens the metal on my wrist. She proceeds to do the same with hers and smiles before meeting my eyes.

"Never take it off Aiden."


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